The Union of Hungarian Doctors, the Trade Union Confederation of Medical Universities and the League of Trade Unions also asked the President of the Republic not to sign the law.

President János Áder on Wednesday ordered the enactment of the health law, which also included a medical salary increase. In a statement to that effect, he underlined:

the decision was made by a consensus of a political and professional commission with little experience.

In a statement published on the website of the Presidency of the Republic this Wednesday, the head of state wrote that no constitutional objection could be raised to the law, the enforcement regulations could answer the questions still open until the law enters in force.

János Áder recalled that on October 6, Parliament approved the Law on Relations with the Legal Service, which affects the working conditions of health and medical professionals, the evaluation of their work and various areas of healthcare activity.

The proposal was presented to parliament through an agreement between the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) and the government, the head of state said in a statement, adding that the law was approved unanimously by the National Assembly with the support of all the opposition parties.

Previously, the Hungarian Medical Union, the Trade Union Confederation of Medical Universities and the League of Trade Unions also asked the President of the Republic not to sign the law.

In a dog race

The MOK was given just three and a half hours to comment on the law, whose presidency had already indicated at the time: that the law in its current form violated fundamental rights and was unacceptable.

A week after the law was passed in parliament, the chamber also published a detailed resolution on the matter. In this, among other things, it was written that

  • causes a host of unacceptable harm to the medical community,
  • causes serious dysfunction in the continuity of patient care and
  • in controlling the epidemic, and
  • it also raises a number of issues contrary to constitutional and international law.

On Tuesday, Gyula Kincses, president of the MOK, met with Interior Minister Sándor Pintér, who was in charge of putting medical care in order in the spring, and presented his position, especially on the two most important points.

After the discussion, Kincses told The head of the ministry indicated that he was considering his opinion.

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More than 700,000 people do not have a GP in Hungary
At home

There are settlements where there has been no GP for fifteen years.

Redirection in healthcare: doctors and professionals experience chaos and uncertainty
At home

At Székesfehérvár, they wanted to transfer 57 workers to Budapest, and in the end it was only 18 nurses.