Mazsihisz’s response to Orban: “It is important that no competing force be able to use us for political purposes”


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Mandiner wrote that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán holds the Hungarian Association of Jewish Communities and President András Heisler personally responsible for the opposition parties that back Judge László Bíró, who had been on trial for two years.

In response, András Heisler, Chairman of Mazsihisz, issued a statement in which he stated that, as the most important umbrella organization in the Jewish community, it is a stable player in Hungarian public life and traditionally performs advocacy in addition to credit and credit. Community organization.

He wrote: “He regularly forms opinions on public policy and social issues that directly affect Hungarian Jews, especially regarding specific anti-Semitic phenomena and memory politics. There is a clear consensus within our alliance that we do not want to interfere in the political affairs of the parties, since as a religious denomination we do not have and cannot have competence in such matters. Especially during campaign periods, it is important that no competing forces can use us for political purposes. This attitude is a common practice among authorized churches, which respects the diverse partisan preferences of the faithful, while also providing the opportunity to maintain fair relations with all sides of the political palette. “

Heisler wrote that they are seeking a dialogue with Hungarian public figures, but “due to their unacceptable past, we do not have a stated relationship with Jobbik and we do not plan to change this situation,” so it has been said many times.

The announcement states that following the September 23 Hungarian Nation article, “several press articles took over the news that” after András Heisler, several other Jewish leaders harshly criticized László Bíró, a joint candidate of the left, for its anti-Semitic and racist manifestations. «”. Heisler writes:

“At the end of the campaign, we declared with relief that our candidate, who was famous for his anti-Semitic statements, did not enter the Hungarian Parliament due to the wisdom of the electorate, where no representative with such views has a place.”

According to the communication, “in Hungary, especially in the European context, the Jewish community lives in security”, its institutions “are not subject to physical attacks, members of our community can feel safe, they can exercise their credit freely.”

Mazsihisz knows that, meanwhile, there are anti-Semitic phenomena here too, but “it is important that the Hungarian political elite condemn them unanimously and broadly support Judaism.” “It is reassuring for us that the Hungarian and Israeli governments maintain friendly relations with each other,” writes Heisler, who said the government’s support and partnership has been continually experienced.

András Heisler was elected president of Mazsihisz in 2013.Photo: Kallos Bea / MTI

By the way, in August, Mandiner asked Heisler about the judge’s case, who said: “It condemns all incitement against any ethnic, religious or sexual minority, regardless of the political group to which it is said,” and mentioned the Judaism of the state award-winning historian Ernő Raffay. According to Mandiner, Orbán did not like the answer. (By the way, Judge did apologize for the campaign due to his comments.)

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