The government examines the complaints of doctors, promised the president of the chamber Sándor Pintér


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On October 13, Interior Minister Sándor Pintér consulted with Gyula Kincses, president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, who promised that the government would investigate doctors’ complaints about the health law amendment passed at a rapid pace. Kincses informed ATV.

The Interior Minister, who interpreted the Speaker of the House as a Deputy Prime Minister, since health care does not depend on Pintér, but on the Ministry of Miklós Kásler, promised the House’s consultation and new proposals in two areas:

  • a total ban on the secondment of doctors;
  • and the “change of route” of doctors.

As we wrote earlier on this, while the medical community has advocated for adjusting doctors’ salaries and making health care gratitude-free, the law also states that there should be no private practice for doctors working in local care. . Furthermore, the law stipulates that, under the new law, a doctor can be ordered to go to another hospital with medical shortage for 1 + 1 years out of the epidemic situation. Why these two proposals are so problematic, according to the chamber, we write more here.

Sándor Pintér told the president of the chamber that he understood the problems, they would return to the subject, but that when, the minister did not commit himself. The transformation of GP care was discussed, Pintér said, and the primary care working group of the Hungarian Medical Chamber will be consulted on this.

Asked if doctors didn’t feel trapped, how troublesome provisions were included in the law that guaranteed the pay increase, and that it was only a few hours before the medical ward read the proposal, which fundamentally transformed healthcare, Kincses said that

I would in no way call the solution elegant, But since the law includes fair wages and an exemption from gratitude, the doctors do not say that this law should be scrapped. Instead, work must be done to correct any problems that arise and make the law work.

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