Coronavirus: As of November 1, a government forecast expects 40,000 to be infected


The nationwide lockdown ordered in Israel over the coronavirus epidemic lasted until Sunday. The cabinet, which decided to deal with the epidemic, extended the lockdown until midnight Sunday, but allowed some relief after nearly four weeks of national quarantine following the steady improvement in epidemiological data.

The ban was lifted, which only allowed joint demonstrations and prayers within a thousand meters of the place of residence. In addition, they were allowed to travel further afield to attend the wedding of a close relative. After local restrictions on the protests, which prevented crowds from marching towards the prime minister’s residence in Jerusalem, protesters against Benjamin Netanyahu and the government appeared across the country. The case of the Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv will be renegotiated on Wednesday, and if there is no change in the reduction in the number of new coronavirus infections the facility will open, but for now only those who bought their tickets before closing will be able to fly. Discussions were also postponed until Thursday about whether kindergartens, small workshops that would not receive customers, could reopen next week, and whether restaurants could prepare takeout in addition to home delivery.

According to the Health Ministry, only 2,255 new infections were recorded on Tuesday (5.4 percent of screenings), while a day earlier it was found that more than 7 percent of people screened for symptoms were still being coronavirus. 240 people had to be hooked up to a fan.
