Testing of another vaccine was suspended


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In a statement, a spokesperson for Eli Lilly noted that the independent committee overseeing clinical trials of experimental treatments recommended, as a precaution, that no more experimental patients be invited for the time being and that clinical trials be suspended.

Indiana-based Eli Lilly was experimenting with an antibody preparation called ACTIV-3 that is believed to be suitable for treating Covid-19. US President Donald Trump was not treated with this, but similarly with an experimental antibody preparation from a US pharmaceutical company after he developed Covid-19 symptoms.

Last week, Eli Lilly filed an application with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a marketing authorization process for his drug. However, the FDA must review the product’s side effects and dangers, and its overall safety, prior to approval. One stage of this is the opinion of the independent committee on the basis of which the manufacturer made the notification. A spokesperson for Eli Lilly emphasized that the company also supports and respects the committee’s proposal to protect patients.

Testing of the coronavirus vaccine by US giant Johnson and Johnson was suspended on Monday, citing unpublished health concerns. In a statement Monday, the drug company said one of the experimental patients “reacted inconsistently” to the drug during the trial.

Incidentally, AstraZeneca, which works with the University of Oxford, stopped testing the vaccine in September because the drug caused neurological problems in one of the patients.

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