Index – National – Billions regrouped in György Simonka’s kingdom


Referring to the epidemic, the local government of the county of Békés transferred the amounts of the EU aid to non-governmental hospitals. György Simonka is one of the founders of one of the beneficiary foundations, according to an article on

Since the summer, there has been a civil war within Fidesz in Békés, in August the members initiated mutual exclusion, and then a motion was received to remove the breadth of György Simonka. Behind the politician, his own people also fall back. A decision on the opt-out motions has not yet been made, but the Békés County Assembly Speaker’s decision, in which he replaced the participants in a cross-border tender, cannot favor the non-governmental organization, whose founders include to György Simonka.

Instead of voluntary Simonka training, the Békés County Assembly would spend the money on hospitals

The local Békés county government reallocated money into a four billion forint project. One of the two supporting private non-governmental organizations is the South Békés Rescue Group Foundation, one of whose founders was György Simonka, which supplied disinfectants to the South Békés settlements during the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic. . Now it is this organization that is being banished from the multi-million dollar bid.

Part of the cross-border project is to support the county’s emergency medical network with the money. This would remain after the amendment. Recreation centers would have been set up with the grant, organizing health days and training volunteers for most of the money, funded with billions from the EU in a tender won jointly with Arad. According to the county assembly chairman, they were regularly modified before the contract was signed, but experts from the South Peace Rescue Group Foundation wrote a sixteen-page letter to the county assembly chairperson explaining why they thought they had made an irregular decision. you are not involved in the development of the program you worked on for three years

The Békés County Assembly voted on the changes in a special meeting on September 10. Therefore, the civilians in the consortium have been replaced by two county hospitals, and they believe that billions will have a better place there due to the second wave of the epidemic.

The South Békés Rescue Group Foundation, which has now been expelled from the $ 1 billion cross-border tender, is chaired by the president of the county assembly, the deputy mayor of the municipality of Orosháza. Thus, now he is doubly uncomfortable that the Management Authority decided to return the subsidies for irregularities in the recovery programs, in one of which he was implicated as president of the non-governmental organization and in the other as deputy mayor of the municipality of Orosháza.

Lőrinc Mészáros on the horizon

The president of the county assembly can now plan more transfers. Mihály Zalai’s letter to the Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Finance was posted on the community website by an unknown person. The letter indicates that it requests the reallocation of HUF 1.9 billion for tourism purposes to developments in Gyula and Szarvas, and HUF 1 billion for environmental protection purposes to Mez tohegyes and Dévaványa. It is not yet known exactly what the tourism and environmental objectives in each settlement are about, but it is true that Lőrinc Mészáros recently bought agricultural companies in Szarvas, and public money is poured into state livestock in Mezőhegyes countless times, he writes in his Investigation article.

György Simonka: the charge against me is zero, the prosecutors are all fired

Fidesz representative says he can prove it.
