End of the world atmosphere in Trumps – Napi.hu


Trump’s campaign team and a growing number of Republican deputies believe the presidential election will fail and that the Senate will also have a Democratic majority. They can only trust that there are many hidden voters who will not tell you that they will vote for the president’s re-election.

Concerns are mounting in the White House and the Republican Party that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden will win the November 3 presidential election, even by a large majority, and Senate Democrats will be the majority in the next two years, he writes. Business Insider. In recent days, a series of poll results have shown that Biden is leading the way in the popularity contest.

According to a national summary published by ABC News and the Washington Post on October 11, Biden can count on 53 percent of the vote, Trump with 41 percent, and other polls also indicate a lead of at least 10 percentage points to favor of the Democratic start-up. Of course, voting based on the winner principle has yet to take place, but polls conducted in fluctuating states benefit Biden as well, if not by as much difference as national ones. There are also three uncertain states where Trump won in 2016, but now Biden is in the lead.

Deplorable situation

In the president’s environment, the deplorable situation is partly explained by the fact that Trump’s aggressive actions were reversed in a televised trial with Biden on September 29, followed by his illness in early October as a result of an infection with coronavirus and subsequent statements. He has almost taken the position of the virus deniers, that older voters, whose lives are most at risk from the epidemic, may get a bad name.

It is also a bad sign for the president that some financial backers who help Republicans are leaking funds from the presidential campaign to support candidates vying for Senate seats because they believe that senatorial seats can still be saved while the presidency seems desperate.

Hopelessness and hope

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz, one of Trump’s opponents in the 2016 Republican pre-election, said the party must prepare for the scale of the decline caused by the Watergate scandal in the mid-1970s. Another Republican senator described the president’s coronavirus illness as putting the final nail in the coffin in which the hope of retaining a majority in the Senate could be buried.

Of course, campaign experts never give up: They talk about how the second week of October can make a difference. In part, a Congressional hearing of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett could divert attention from the epidemic, about which all bad news is doubly bad for Trump, and there are many former voters hiding from US polls. public opinion that supports Trump. On Election Day, they could help the president win, which would be an even bigger surprise than their success in 2016.
