“We hope he finally gets to the place he deserves,” say the mourning parents of Richard Richard, who is back in the car despite the ban.


Parents who lost their children in thedózsa György út accident feel helpless and angry, according to whom Richard M. ridicules the court.

Feels helpless, angry, and frustrated at 37-year-old father with young children who To Pedro and that 24-year-old university student To David his father, who died in a traffic accident in May 2017 in Györgydózsa.

Both heads of households told our newspaper they almost had a tantrum when they found out M. Richard got into a car after the court barely banned him from driving just two weeks ago, in addition to the four-year prison sentence imposed. Peter’s father, Miklós Király for the first time since the tragedy.

I had a tantrum when I found out that I was sitting in the car again. This man is dangerous to himself and to the public, a serious threat to society. That day he ruined the lives of at least three families. David’s family, my son’s family, and of course my family. Imagine how you feel when a preschooler stands in front of a man and asks why I don’t have a dad! I always say that it is up there and takes care of it from there

Said Miklós Király, who worked his life as a plant engineer in electrical works. He was always a strong and disciplined man, but tragedy completely destroyed him.

I had such a heart rhythm disorder after what happened that I had to stop my heart and restart it. Since then, I have been a nervous wreck, there is not a day when memories do not torment me. I regularly remember the words of the doctor when he says that my unconscious son has had five liters of blood pumped, but that they have escaped and have not been able to save him.

The retiree has another son and lives his daily life with his wife, with whom they go to the cemetery every week.

When it comes to the punishment of Richard M., and what he believes he deserves, he responds: “One of the doctors who treated me after the accident said that he certainly wishes he died, but that is not the case. I told him that if he was sentenced to life imprisonment, he would be happy. Today, I would also be happy to receive the upper limit of punishment (in Richard M.’s case, that would have been 7.5 years – ed.), But I don’t see any possibility of that. I feel like the game will have to stop working for a few months. Because, as far as I know, they couldn’t give less under the law. The passage of time, remorse and how much he “suffered” in the house arrest were taken into account as mitigating factors. Did you suffer? Didn’t my son and the other boy suffer? How much have our lives been ruined? And what kind of regret are they talking about? To this day, he has not apologized to us. We received a letter, probably written in feminine handwriting, only from her with her signature, but it was also not qualified, the point was that she was sorry for what had happened, but it was not her fault. There is nothing to talk about, there is no forgiveness here. Forgiveness and repentance are essential to forgiveness. “

According to him, social cohesion would be necessary for Richard M. and people like him to be duly punished.

József Molnár, Even according to the father of the university student who died in the accident, the feeling of helplessness is the most depressing. He does not understand how Richard M. can still be released after getting back in the car despite the inherited ban.

Barely a week has passed since the court’s first instance verdict, and lo and behold, the criminal record, which claimed the lives of two people, has already exceeded the criminal record with another crime. I only dare to hope that the court, when considering the appeals, will no longer turn a blind eye to the behavior of this man who ignores everything and everyone, and finally puts himself in the place he deserves so as not to further impoverish daily life of families. If this is not the case, it will be very difficult for anyone in this country to trust the judiciary. In my opinion, due to bad legislation, light and insufficiently weighted penalties, there will unfortunately be many more senseless deaths on Hungarian roads.

– said József Molnár, adding that the current case also proves that the release of Richard M. was a hasty decision.

József Molnár. Photo: Norbert Farkas /24.hu

The Dozsa György út tragedy took place in May 2017. Richard M. crashed his Mercedes into a left-handed Citroen at tremendous speed. The car attempting to turn spun several times due to the collision and then flew towards the bus stop. Two men died in the accident.

Without a driver’s license, Richard M. was driving in Dōzsa György út towards Kassák Lajos utca at a speed that significantly exceeded the permitted 50 km / h, 135-140 km / h. That’s when the 47-year-old arrived at the crossing N. József, which turned irregularly in a small curve in front of the driver arriving at high speed without giving priority. The two cars collided with such force that both vehicles veered onto the sidewalk and struck three pedestrians.

Two weeks ago, the court sentenced Richard to four years in prison on the condition that he be released on probation as soon as possible after two-thirds of his sentence. The man was banned from driving forever. The other driver involved in the accident, N. József, was sentenced to 1 year and 10 months in prison, but his sentence was suspended for three years. He was banned from driving for a year.

The prosecution appealed a significant aggravation for the man with a criminal record. Richard M.’s arrest was also requested at the end of the trial, but the court rejected it and the 43-year-old man was placed under criminal supervision. The prosecution appealed against the order.

According to the father of the father of a young child and a student son who died in the accident, Richard M. poses a serious threat to society, so they expect the court to consider the man’s current rape as an aggravating circumstance when taking a final decision. According to them, Richard M. not only harasses them with his actions, but with his actions guides and ridicules the judiciary.

Richard was photographed by a Bors reader as he sat behind the wheel of a Mercedes in front of the police officers who certified him. The man was reported by the police and an infringement proceeding was started against him. The Bors reader, by the way, wrote: Richard M. got out of a German license plate Mercedes, locked his car after certification, and then left the scene on foot. At our request, the BRFK stated that the suspect was not intoxicated and had not experienced drug use.

Featured Image: János Marjai /24.hu
