Index – National – Lagzi Lajcsi was scared in court by a defendant suspected of being a coronavirus


After ten months, the trial of the popular trumpeter Lagzi Lajcsi, charged with thirty million guilders of fraud and bribery in public services, continued in the Budaörs District Court.

Blikk reported that Monday’s trial began with an awkward interlude. The third-degree defendant was not admitted to court because his father was officially quarantined, so he can also be suspected of being infected. Then the judge came out in front of the building and then brought the middle-aged man with him.

According to the report, several people began to murmur and the trumpeter addressed his words directly to the judge in a worried voice. Lagzi Lajcsi asked the chairman of the meeting not to keep the man here, as his wife was particularly at risk of lung disease.

The judge eventually rejected his request, arguing that the conditions for maintaining the distance were in the courtroom. The trial finally resumed.


His friends stole Lagzi Lajcs

It is not enough that they defrauded their family, they did not even repay their millions of loans while Lajos Galambos was in prison.
