Timmermans: domination through law is not domination by law


In the case of climate change, everyone agrees with the goal, there is only a debate on the ways of implementation, but the rule of law raises fundamental questions that the EU is not yet ready to answer – he told hvg.hu Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Green Transition.

The first, according to the vice president, is not an easy but doable task: Timmermans says reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent by 2030. “Transforming industrial production is difficult, but easier than for households or transportation, “he added.

However, Timmermans said it was more difficult to vouch for the rule of law as a commissioner because that work “often turns into an ideological confrontation over the nature of democracy.”

It will be necessary to define what democracy means in our reading, so that we can distinguish between the rule of law, that is, the rule of law, and the rule of law, that is, governance based on laws adapted to one’s own needs.

He said.

Featured Image: MTI / EPA / Patrick Seeger
