Fidesz: confident victory, Jobbik: brutal headwind


Forsz’s candidate for the provisional elections in Borsod, Zsófia Koncz he won by 50.8 percent of the vote. DK, MSZP, Momentum, LMP and Dialogue Judge László he led at the beginning of the vote count, but ultimately got 45.9 percent.

After the announcement of the final result Viktor Orban The prime minister congratulated Zsófia Koncz on his Facebook page, who won the Borsod interim parliamentary elections on Sunday as the Fidesz-KDNP candidate.

Your father would be very proud of you now since we all are

Orbán wrote. Judit Varga The justice minister called the result a “confident” victory, and the KDNP said in a statement that the opposition coalition was not enough to defeat Fidesz either.

However, according to the Jobbik opposition, Judge managed to weather the brutal headwind.

Only Fidesz could mobilize voters with bags of potatoes, toilet paper, money, intimidation and vile and lying propaganda. … In a democracy, this election should have been won by the opposition coalition.

In any case, according to Jobbik, the electoral results showed that there is no alternative to the opposition coalition, in 2022 this is the only way to replace the Orbán government.

Featured Image: MTI
