The left-wing coalition that Gyurcsány leads has failed in Borsod, capable of anything for power and money


With more than 50 percent of the vote, Zsófia Koncz, the Fidesz-KDNP candidate, won the interim parliamentary elections on Sunday. László Bíró won a total of 45.9 percent. Ádám Tóth, an independent candidate supported by Tibor Szanyi, finished in third place with a result of more than two percent.

Gyurcsány-led coalition failed in BorsodSource: MTI / Tamás Kovács

The result clearly shows that the left-wing coalition led by Gyurcsány, which is capable of anything for power and money, has failed in Borsod. People did not ask the left, which once ruined the country.

The left-wing candidate, László Bíró, will also receive fewer votes for the piece than in 2018, when there was no so-called cooperation, at that time he was only Jobbik’s candidate.

For the first time in this district, Fidesz has received more than 50 percent. In other words, the left coalition failed enormously.

The day before the provisional elections in Borsod, on Saturday, Gergely Karácsony held a joint street forum with the left-wing candidate László Bíró, who became known for his anti-Semitic incitements. In addition, in addition to Ágnes Kunhalmi and Péter Márki-Zay, he even assured the Nazi politician of his support with a smiling selfie. Not long ago, the mayor denigrated the renowned Hungarian writer Albert Wass and the protesters marching in the streets for the double murder in Deák Square, but did not condemn Márton Gyöngyösi, who raised the list of Jewish representatives. The Christmas maneuver perfectly shows the left’s relationship with the fight against anti-Semitism: for them, it is nothing more than an effective means of communication. Of course, there are no principles.

Smiling Selfie With Anti-Semitic Candidate: The Fall Of The Left Is Also The Fall Of Lack Of Principle

As is well known, shortly after the left-wing parties officially announced that they would present a judge in the elections, scandalous anti-Semitic insults about their candidate were revealed. He called Jewish tourists living in hotels in and around Szerencs “lice slides” and Budapest “Judapest.” On other occasions, he wrote that “the bank capital of Jewish usury was cut off from the economy, the payment of cosmopolitan theft was euphemized as war reparations were abolished.” After such antecedents, of course, it would have been a wise decision to fall behind László Bíró, as several left-wing opinion makers claim. However, the left chose a completely different solution: its politicians gave their names and faces in turn to the campaign of the openly anti-Semitic politician.

As Origo first reported, the line Agnes Kunhalmi, initiated by the co-chair of the MSZP, a member of parliament. In addition to distributing brochures at Bíró’s campaign station in Tiszaújváros, the socialist politician even posted a supporting video on his community page. Thereafter, leading politicians on the left outbid each other Borsod for their judapest candidate and lice slip. One day before the elections, but on Saturday, Gergely Karácsony, Ágnes Kunhalmi and Péter Márki-Zay also participated in the campaign of the politician Jobbik in person, and the mayor even defended a joint street forum with him. But perhaps what is stronger:

Politicians on the left signaled with a common smiling selfie that they could support their Jewish roof sliding partner with full chest width without moral reservations.

The mayor specifically copied President Jakab Péter Jobbik and pointed a finger at László Bíró, saying that the anti-Semitic politician was the right choice.

Source: Facebook

The candidate, who supported Gregorio de Navidad, commented on the community side of the attitude of wandering leftist politicians. “I felt it on my skin. I experienced how sincere he greeted us, it didn’t matter if I had a DK, MSZP, LMP, MMM, a dialogue representative or right wing to my right.” Judge explained the term unprincipled coalition more precisely than ever.

These leftist politicians defended the openly anti-Semite László Bíró

Until now, it was customary for left-wing politicians to travel to Borsod because of the anti-Semitic candidate. In addition to Ágnesek Kunhalmi, László Varju from the SE, László Hajdu, Erzsébet Gy, Németh and Balázs Barkóczi; the momentary András Fekete-Győr, the conversationalist Tímea Szabó and Zsolt Szabó; Márta Demeter from LMP and Erzsébet Schmuck, László Varga from MSZP and Péter Márki-Zay from MMM also appeared in the area.

In addition, András Fekete-Győr and Imre Komjąhi, vice president of the MSZP, will be the electoral delegates of Bíró.

Fight Against Interest-Driven Anti-Semitism

The Judge case can also be repulsive to many because, for many years, the left has established itself as the number one national representative in the fight against anti-Semitism and defender of the Jewish people. They had a series of demonstrations that, thanks to the right, anti-Semitism was spreading unstoppably at home, but then they were going to put an end to the process. At the same time, the open, friend-based support of the lice-slippery Judaist candidate sheds light on something entirely different:

for the left, the fight against anti-Semitism is nothing more than an effective means of communication.

When their interests dictate, they are Nazis out loud, but if the situation puts it, they readily support an anti-Semitic candidate. That is why it is worth seeing briefly how one of the best-known faces on the left, Gergely Karácsony, changed his mind on the sensitive issue along his political interests.

“Let’s just say I’m not very happy with Wass Albert Square, I’ll tell you honestly, so at least Kálmán Széll was not, to say the least, a Nazi or a Nazi collaborator.” – It was with these words that the Nazi wrote to the Transylvanian writer in an interview with the Index. In Hungarian, it is one of the most popular Hungarian writers for Christmas. “a Nazi, a Nazi collaborator”.

Like the protesters who march to the streets due to the murder in Deák Square. “No tragedy can be an excuse for intimidation, for self-judgment. It is not the peaceful expression of opinions that should be punished to the authority, but the prevention of the Nazi overthrow in the order of the city.” – The mayor commented that after the brutal double murder, thousands protested in the streets of Budapest.

He is not so strict when his allies make inciting Nazi demonstrations. Memorable, Márton Gyöngyösi, the current Vice President of Jobbik raised the list of Jewish deputies in the Hungarian Parliament. When asked about the words of his left-wing politician, he knew so much that “this is not Nazism.”

In Hungarian, protesting against the murders in the world of the mayor and being a famous Hungarian writer, Nazism, Judapestification, lice slip and the census of Jewish politicians are not Nazism.

Future left intellectual warning

The left maintained the candidacy of László Bíró despite the fact that several of his opinion formers objected.

In fact, several leftist politicians and intellectuals have criticized leftist parties for supporting an anti-Semitic politician. András Schiffer The founder of LMP spoke of the lack of principles of the left, László Kovács and the former party chairman opposed the MSZP’s support for Judge. The former foreign minister said in a statement to Origo that his party should not support Judas’ candidate in Borsod.

Outside of them Tamás Gáspár Miklós philosopher, Zoltán Somogyi political analyst, and Balázs Böcskei a political scientist also criticized the left for participating in the collaboration. And the last time János Kőbányai The writer, editor-in-chief of the Jewish cultural magazine Past and Future, expressed a depressing view of the left.

Jewish organizations, such as EMIH and Mazsihisz, considered László Bíró’s statements unacceptable.
