Here is the list of deaths from coronavirus: these airlines no longer fly


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Airlines are facing the worst crisis in their history this year due to the coronavirus, which has caused an unprecedented drop in passenger traffic. Billions of dollars in government aid have supported industry in Europe and the United States, saving major players from bankruptcy.

However, since the beginning of the year, 43 airlines around the world have been forced to suspend operations.

The number of 43 airlines in 9 months is not exceptionally high, especially in light of the industry situation, as in 2019 46 airlines closed for the whole year and a year earlier 56 airlines ceased operations. But the difficulty of the year is yet to come, since the sector tends to go bankrupt in the last months of the year, since the first and fourth quarters are the weakest periods for airlines, with much of the income generated in the second and third trimesters.

To top it off, the recovery in demand has stalled in most regions as the second wave of the coronavirus has hit and airlines still brag about generating revenue and stopping the burning of cash.

The International Aviation Association estimates that the sector could burn $ 77 billion in cash in the second half alone,

And in 2021, $ 5-6 billion a month as the recovery will be slow. Last year’s traffic can only return sometime in 2024.

Many airlines already had financial problems before the epidemic. Airlines often go bankrupt due to a bad business model or regional problems, but this year it is possibly the result of lost traffic due to the epidemic. After a significant increase in traffic over the past 10 years, this sudden shock has left airlines without revenue while operating at structurally high costs.

World passenger traffic in passenger kilometers (RPK), source: IATA

Below is a summary of the biggest airline bankruptcies this year.

  • A british Flybe, which was already struggling with serious financial difficulties before the outbreak broke out, announced its closure on March 5.
  • The american Trans States Airlines and a regional company that operates as an affiliate Compass airlines it stopped operating in April.
  • The Italian Ernest Airlines It collapsed in April, shortly after Italy became the first European coronavirus hub.
  • Avianca, the second largest airline in Latin America, filed for bankruptcy in April in a court in New York, its subsidiary, Avianca stomach it was liquidated in May.
  • In May, the Ecuadorian government decided to end the suffering for many years. TAME airline.
  • A LATAM Airlines filed for bankruptcy in May, affecting its subsidiaries in Chile, the United States, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. In June it decided to liquidate the Argentine airline.
  • In June, the Austrian Europe level reported insolvency and immediately ceased operations.
  • Also in June a SunExpress Germany its parent company has announced its liquidation.
  • To Chile One Airlines Decided to liquidate in summer, the owner and president of the company justified the collapse of the airline in addition to the coronavirus with strong competition and lack of state aid.
  • Thai fapados, a NokScoot It was also unable to recover from the scare caused by the epidemic, so in June the company decided to liquidate. It laid off 450 workers and returned three of its five planes to its parent company in Singapore.
  • The canadian Island Express Air It was also a victim of the difficulties caused by the epidemic, suspended its operations and sold its assets to a group of investors.
  • The latest victim of the aviation epidemic is AirAsia Japan, the airline announced that it would close in the first week of October.
Industry Cash Burning Quarterly, Source: IATA Forecast

And there are those who, although they have fled under the protection of bankruptcy, plan to continue with their operations. THE Virgin australia for example, it could be saved if bought by a US venture capital firm, Bain Capital. The airline has been flying continuously since it filed for bankruptcy and laid off four-fifths of its staff. Another airline operating under the Virgin brand, a Virgin atlantic fled bankrupt in August. the Air Mauritius Also trying to survive with bankruptcy protection, the plan is to transform its business model and keep running. THE German Airlines insolvency and reorganization plans reported in April. Meanwhile, US airlines, which received tens of billions of dollars in state aid in the spring, are already waiting for the next rescue package.

Cover image: Getty Images
