A member of the European Commission also contracted the virus.


Coronavirus is a member of the European Commission, Maria Gabriel. He announced it himself on Saturday. The Bulgarian politician is the highest-ranking Brussels official to date to contract the virus.

The Research and Innovation commissioner already announced Monday that he will be quarantined after a member of his staff became infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The Bulgarian politician’s first test on Monday still came back negative, but the second already showed the presence of the pathogen in his body. He said he was still at home, following the rules. He gestured for everyone to protect his health.

The 27-member European Commission is based in Brussels and the Belgian capital is currently one of the cities hardest hit by the coronavirus epidemic in Europe, alongside Madrid and Paris, the French news agency AFP wrote.

The chair of the committee, Ursula von der Leyen He was also quarantined for a short time on Monday after coming into close contact with an infected person, but his tests came back negative.
