Lékai-Kiss Ramóna and Gabriela Spanic’s cleavage took the show on the first live broadcast of Dancing With The Stars – Photos | BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics


Dancing with the Stars, TV2’s new dance show, started on Saturday night. In the first show, our 6 male and 6 female celebrities competed with each other.

Gabriela Spanic with Andrei Mangré, Osvára Andrea Suti András, Marsi Anikó Szabó Gábor, Pásztor Anna Köcse György, Gelencsér Tímea Hegyes Bertalan, Détár Enikő Baranyth Dávid Tamáshó Tamáshós, Emilió with Orsolya Gyóth and Dani de Staőrfi with Alexandra Staőrfi will try to impress viewers. The jury was made up of Nóra Ördög, Andrea Molnár, Csanád Gergely Kováts and Miklós Schiffer, and evaluated the productions.

Host of Dancing With The Stars, Lékai-Kiss Ramóna in a sparkly dress with a deep neckline He not only surprised his co-host András Stohl, but also the public and viewers.

Ramóna Lékai-Kiss and András Stohl © Krisztián Máté

© Máté Krisztián

Perhaps the biggest star of the show, And Gabriela Spanic got a hot black dress for tonight.

Gabriela Spanic © Krisztián Máté

© Máté Krisztián
