In Poland, there will again be a separate shopping lane for the elderly


To protect the elderly from the coronavirus epidemic, Poland will reintroduce a purchase time limit for people over the age of 60, it announced. Mateusz Morawiecki Prime Minister on Saturday in Warsaw.

At a press conference, Morawiecki ranked the protection of the elderly as one of the priorities of the Polish strategy for managing the epidemic. He referred to the mortality data that the new type of coronavirus represents the greatest threat to people over 60 years old, and especially those over 67 years old.

Therefore, according to the provision, which will take effect on Thursday, only people over 60 years of age will be able to buy in stores between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.

He asked the older generation to stay at home whenever possible and assured them that state institutions and social organizations would support them in solving everyday problems. He suggested that employers provide telecommuting opportunities for their employees 55 and older.

One of the strategic objectives of the Morawiecki government was to keep the economy functioning to a greater extent than in the spring months.

In response to a journalist’s question, the Prime Minister stated that 98 percent of schools are currently operating in the traditional way, only a small number of educational institutions are needed to introduce blended or distance education, so currently no there is a need to restore distance education in general.

Health Minister Adam Niedzielski, who also attended the press conference, anticipated an extension of the epidemiological measures next week. He recalled that to curb the epidemic, it was again mandatory to wear a mask in public places throughout Poland from Saturday.

According to Saturday’s announcement from the Polish Ministry of Health, the number of infected people increased by 5.3 thousand in one day, the highest daily increase since the outbreak. In Poland, with a population of almost 38 million, there are 39,684 actively infected people.

Daily death rates have not increased in recent days, with 53 deaths infected in the last 24 hours, 49 of which were identified by the Ministry of Health as coexisting with the virus-induced Covid-19 and other diseases, and four specifically with Covid-19. they died.
