Coronavirus: hospitals report every hour


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Cecília Müller recalled that in the last 24 hours, the number of confirmed infections had increased by 1,374 cases and 20 citizens had died in relation to the virus.

Highlights: 1174 need hospital treatment, 110 have ventilators, a significant and steady increase.

The medical director said the deceased were over 60 years old and suffered from some kind of chronic illness.

It is very important not to relax the defense, to continue with the mask, to keep a distance and disinfect the hands, and to take special care of the elderly and chronically ill, Cecília Müller stressed.

He noted that more than 50 percent of those who have died in the epidemic so far have identified some form of cardiovascular disease, and many have suffered from cancer or some form of metabolic disease, such as diabetes.

The coronavirus is a particularly high risk for them, since in many cases they need hospital treatment, during which they must also go to a respirator, he added.

The chief physician said it was very important for those recovering from the coronavirus at home to repeatedly inform their GP if their health deteriorates, such as experiencing shortness of breath or a high fever.

In case of more severe symptoms, it is definitely necessary to use hospital treatment, because the so-called moderate condition can change very quickly, and then intensive therapy is already needed, he said.

Cecília Müller also pointed out that the number of PCR tests is constantly increasing and Capabilities will continue to expand, so testing will be done by anyone who needs it.

He said social homes could be protected in a relatively well-defined way, but at the same time they could not completely seal off institutions, of which the coronavirus was currently present in 45 locations. However, the chief physician noted that households had not become focal points, with only 10% of caregivers and less than 5% of nurses affected, and none of the 130 patients treated at the hospital had a ventilator.

Cecília Müller also urged the elderly to take care of each other, avoid crowded places and even wear a mask outdoors. He also said that it is important for older people to constantly consult their doctors to maintain their existing illnesses and strengthen their immune system with the intake of vitamins.

Speaking about the focal point formed at the construction site in Tiszaújváros, he said that the people involved were still isolated into three large groups.

Noted dynamics, expect accurate data from hospitals by the hour, since it is very important for them to know the workload and capacity of the institutions.

The national medical director confirmed their goal is to always have at least two weeks of protective equipment available in hospitals.

Cover Image Source: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd
