In Poland, it is already mandatory to wear a mask in public spaces.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

In Romania, the number of identified coronavirus infections exceeded 150,000, and the spread of the epidemic accelerated even more, so in Bucharest and several other cities, the population was also warned of the increased risk of infection through the mobile disaster alert system.

Authorities have warned residents that they can only avoid endangering their lives and those of those around them by following prescribed health precautions: wearing a mask to cover your nose and mouth, keeping your distance, avoiding crowds, touching surfaces touched by others and disinfect themselves after touching any suspected infected object. The public alert was also used by disaster management in other Romanian settlements.

In Poland, to protect the elderly from the coronavirus epidemic, a shopping time zone for those over 60 will be reintroduced, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced in Warsaw. The provision, which goes into effect Thursday, says only those over 60 can shop again in stores between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., he said.

The prime minister proposed that employers provide telecommuting opportunities for their employees over 55.

Health Minister Adam Niedzielski, who also attended the press conference, anticipated an extension of the epidemiological measures next week. He recalled that to curb the epidemic, it was again mandatory to wear a mask in public places throughout Poland from Saturday.

According to Saturday’s announcement from the Polish Ministry of Health, the number of infected people increased by 5.3 thousand in one day, the highest daily increase since the outbreak. In Poland, with a population of almost 38 million, there are 39,684 actively infected people.

The spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine continues to slow, with 6,000 new infections again on Saturday, nearly 1,000 hospitalized, and more than 100 killed in a single day.

In a briefing by Health Minister Maxim Stepanov on Saturday, he noted that a record high of 990 patients had been hospitalized the day before.

There are currently more than 19,000 people hospitalized with or suspected of having a coronavirus infection. He acknowledged that very few tests are being carried out in the country, but added that efforts are being made to increase their number, especially in the most infected regions.

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