Great development is starting, travelers to the capital can get it right


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Balázs Fürjes, Secretary of State responsible for the development of Budapest and the agglomeration of the capital, said in connection with the decision: the government is looking for practical solutions as it develops Budapest continuously. “We have simple goals: better public transportation, fewer traffic jams, cleaner air, a climate-friendly urban environment. The key is public transport, the development of public transport. In this, our goal is for travelers to get to their destination faster, more conveniently, and with fewer transfers. Today, the real challenge for Budapest transportation is that millions of people come from the suburbs and outer districts every day to work, study, use services and more than two-thirds of them arrive by car. “

According to the Secretary of State, at all affected agglomeration stations and stops of some 11 railway and HÉV lines leading to the capital, in 108 settlements, in just 171 locations, BFK examined current capacity, demand and the future. how it will increase traffic. In many places, Balázs Fürjes explained, the current number of seats would often be filled. This is demonstrated not only by the fact that some venues sell out early in the morning, but also by the fact that travelers leave their cars on the lawns or in unofficial parking lots.

As part of the work now under way, the Budapest Development Center of the Prime Minister’s Office will also create a development strategy for the bicycle network of the Budapest agglomeration.

This should outline a coherent cycling network that allows not only access to train stops, but also direct access to the capital’s destinations from the settlements around Budapest.

Dávid Vitézy, CEO of the BFK government, said: the government’s decision is seven railway lines: lines 1 in Hegyeshalom, 30a in Székesfehérvár, 70 in Vác, 71 in Veresegyháza, 100a in Cegléd, 120a in Újszász, 150 in Kunszentmiklós – affects suburban sections, it is expected that more than forty of its stations and railway stops will have the permits and construction plans necessary for the construction of car parks by 2022, so the measures could double the total number of parking spaces throughout of the lines.

However, efforts must be made to reduce the influx of cars from the agglomeration to Budapest every day, as two out of three travelers arrive in the capital today. A new balance is necessary in the transport of the capital, for which it is key to increase the competitiveness of public transport in the agglomeration. P + R and B + R car parks The development of the agglomeration is of interest not only to the travelers, but also to the people of Budapest, and the precondition for the traffic to calm down in the city center is to make the public transport in the agglomeration is more competitive. One of the most important tools is to facilitate modal changes, that is, to be able to leave your car or bicycle at the train station. Of course, it is even better if the passenger can get to the train by public transport instead of by car, so the project also includes the planning of rounds and bus stops, where they are missing ”, writes the CEO on his community page.

The tasks of developing the accessibility of the railway agglomeration and thermal stations under the supervision of the Secretary of State of the Budapest Development Center Balázs Fürjes, It realizes 797 million HUF with the help of central budget support.

Cover photo: Balázs Fürjes. Source: MTI / Koszticsák Solid
