Index – National – The epidemic is getting worse, the vaccine is not the last resort


Although many are waiting for it, the advent of the coronavirus vaccine will bring a significant change as it will bring more the third phase of protection, said Beatrix of Russia, a medical epidemiologist at Semmelweis University, in an InfoRadio broadcast on Friday. He stressed that it is not yet known which vaccine will be really safe and what will be the differences in its effectiveness between the different products. Once you know more, you need to make a very thoughtful and smart decision and create your vaccination schedule correctly.

The other guest on the show, mathematician Gergely Röst, spoke about how mathematical models can help in the development of the vaccination program. These methods are of great importance because stocks will be limited and there will not be enough vaccines available for everyone. Therefore, it is important to use the vaccine in the most optimal way possible to slow down the epidemic long enough until herd immunity is achieved.

From the epidemic curve it is clear that the age distribution of those affected is changing, said Beatrix Oroszi. The average age of identified cases is increasing and the identification of less severe cases is decreasing. This suggests that an increase in critical cases is expected in the coming weeks.

(Cover image: Soldiers in the tent system in the courtyard of the South Pest Central Hospital (DPC) on September 21, 2020, which will be put back into operation. Preliminary examination of people infected with coronavirus is performed here . Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI)
