Coronavirus: Daily infection has reached a new peak, Hungarian data for Saturday has arrived


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The 1,374 infected daily registered represent a new record, compared to 1,322 eight days ago. The number might suggest that the coronavirus epidemic is intensifying in Hungary (probably so), but in fact we are groping in the dark, as the testing capabilities of Hungarian healthcare have been surprisingly fast. Rose.

In the last 24 hours, 20 patients have died, the trend is increasing as experts predict, with the mortality rate already exceeding the peak of the first wave. The victims came from the oldest age group, the youngest being a 62-year-old woman and a man.

The number of active cases registered increased by almost 900 people. This statistic also raises many questions, as the official number of people with mostly two-week illnesses far exceeds the number of cases recorded in the last 14 days, as well as the number of people in hospital and in home quarantine. In any case, active official data shows a rapid spread of the epidemic, and daily case numbers suggest a much more moderate trend.

More details coming soon.

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