Minister Gergely Gulyás has previously said that taking the airport back is the right goal.

A consortium of Hungarian companies has made an offer to Budapest Airport, whose operating and asset management rights have long been sought for the Hungarian government and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to regain their rights. Bloomberg.

Mol is also a member of the consortium and the bidders are represented by economist Dániel Jellinek, founder, majority shareholder and CEO of Indotek Group. The article notes that Jelli also previously did business with Orbán’s son-in-law, István Tiborcz. ( is seeking Daniel Jellinek to confirm or disprove Bloomberg’s claim. If you respond, we will update our article.)

The exact amount of the offer is unknown. THE Bloomberg According to the current, the foreign airport owners do not want to get rid of the Budapest airport. At least (officially) there was no plan for interested parties to sell it. At the same time, Orbán has always wanted the powers of the Budapest airport to return to Hungarian hands.

The state has interests in the industry as it recently acquired a 90 percent stake in Hévíz – Balaton Airport Kft., Which operates the Sármellék airport. The airport near Lake Balaton accepts mainly charter flights, usually with German and Russian tourists.

Budapest Airport’s revenues have increased significantly recently, in 2019 they already had revenues of more than 300 million euros. However, due to the global coronavirus epidemic, passenger numbers have dropped dramatically and the recession could be an opportunity for Orbán’s allies – at least that’s how he sees it. Bloomberg.

The Hungarian government’s intention is well illustrated by the fact that Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said in one of the ex-government’s reports that “recovering the airport is the right goal.”

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Merchants struggle to survive in Ferihegy

Györgyi Balla

The turnover has fallen surprisingly since the appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary. On average, a third of the stores are still closed, but there are those who have not closed for a moment or have reopened in the meantime. We looked around Ferihegy to see what the airport looked like during the second wave of the epidemic.

There are so few passengers that another section is closed in Ferihegy


The airport operator expects a 90 percent drop in passenger traffic in September and a similar rate in October. Therefore, the airport will close a car park after several passenger areas.