Vladimir Putin’s alleged lover disappeared 2 years ago: athlete is rumored to have given birth to twins – World Star


Many politicians like to present themselves with their relatives, while others do not like to present their private life to the general public. The latter group includes the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin is. When he was elected head of his country in 2000, he married Lyudmila, with whom they raised two teenagers. They officially announced their divorce in 2013, in an unusual way. During a hiatus in one of the Kremlin’s plays, a team of reporters assaulted them, at which point the media was shocked by the news. In 2014, the court declared their divorce.

The rumor of their marriage was rumored as early as 2008. It was during this period that word spread that the president had leaked the juice with Russia’s beloved gold medalist, Alina Kabajevával, who, after retiring as an athlete in 2007, became a member of Parliament, began working on sports and youth issues in the Putin-led United Russia Party. The woman has been completely absorbed by the public in the last two years.

Vladimir Putin’s alleged lover disappeared from the public eye two years ago

In 2008, the Moscow tabloid Korrespongyent, headed by a former KGB agent, wrote that the president would soon marry a woman 31 years his junior, and the newspaper had ceased a few days after the publication was published. There was also information in the Russian press that Kabayeva had given birth to several children, whose father Putin: a girl in 2015 and a pair of twins in the spring of 2019. On the birth of the girl
Putin denied the rumor.

The British newspaper The Sun wrote that Alina Kabayeva had completely disappeared from the public eye in the past two years, despite the fact that she had frequently appeared in the media as a celebrity athlete and later as a politician. He has given interviews at public events and television shows, but has been completely absorbed in the last two years. While it is also a fact that many public figures will tire of the spotlight after a while and will withdraw from the limelight in hopes of a calmer life, this may have happened to Kabayeva as well.

The 37-year-old woman was last written to when she gave birth to her twins in a private hospital in Moscow in the spring of 2019, the news was reported by various Russian tabloids, but was eventually canceled with a news report. first year.

“Putin is an incredibly reserved man.” He has also been hiding his two adult daughters from the public for years. By the way, the girls don’t have a fake ID. Even if he talks about them, he never mentions their names, ”the Russian source began in the British newspaper.

“If Alina gave birth to her children, that’s probably what’s behind her disappearance.” Putin is obsessed with keeping his family safe, the source added.

Alina Kabayeva in the summer of 2018.

Alina Kabayeva in the summer of 2018.

Photo: Mikhail Svetlov / Getty Images Hungary

In September 2014, the former gymnast and politician became the head of one of the largest media companies, National Media Group.

Putin has revealed so much about his private life that he is already a grandfather, so one of his adult daughters must be a mother, but for the family’s safety, he has not revealed anything else about it. TASS once explained in an interview with the Russian news agency that it does not want to follow in the footsteps of politicians who use their loved ones to shape their image. He wants people to vote for him, not members of his family.

She is the husband of Angela Merkel.

In our compilation you can see how Angela Merkel’s husband paints.
