Marco Rossi: There is no second chance!


The new coronavirus infection was detected in 932 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 34,046. 21 patients died, bringing the number of deaths to 898 and 9,187 have already recovered.
The free flu vaccine will be available from October 20, said the national medical director, Cecília Müller.
As of November 1, the salaries of nurses will increase by 20 percent, and from 2022 by another 30 percent, Gergely Gulyás said in government information.
Even after the pay increase, doctors can work second jobs, said the minister in charge of the prime minister’s office.
Gergely Gulyás also dispelled the chamber’s concerns that doctors could be directed anywhere at any time, as the minister said this can only be done in an emergency and within reason.
The government wants to ensure that starting January 1 next year, GPs will not be able to earn less than the amount on the salary scale, said the minister in charge of the prime minister’s office.
The salaries of doctors who earn according to the salary scale could triple by 2023, said Ildikó Horváth, Secretary of State for Health.
The government will again reduce VAT on newly built houses to 5 percent, the prime minister announced on News TV. The relief will take effect at the beginning of next January and will apply to construction permits issued until December 31, 2022.
Gergely Gulyás, minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, said the construction procedure will also be simplified.
We are thinking about a serious house building program, said the parliamentary secretary of state of the Prime Minister’s Office on our show entitled Hungary Live.
Balázs Orbán stated that the government has already considered access to housing for all Hungarians as a fundamental right and would like to operate the corresponding subsidy for the construction of houses, so the next logical step is to reintroduce the VAT reduction for the living place.
Hungarian economic protection is one of the most successful in terms of the labor market and the unemployment rate is much better than in the European Union, said the minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Gergely Gulyás said that protecting jobs and families and supporting businesses remain of the utmost importance to the government, adding that recently the government had contributed to the protection or creation of 1.4 million jobs.
Hungary has passed the low point of the corona virus crisis, months of recovery continue and measures to improve competitiveness must be implemented consistently, Finance Minister Mihály Varga said.
Investments will be sustainable growth, investment was and will be the most important engine of economic growth, said Márton Nagy, acting prime minister and economic policy adviser.
The methodology of leftist governments and city councils has not changed, in times of economic crisis they can only think of raising taxes instead of reducing burdens; this is how Fidesz-KDNP reacted to the plan to introduce a “reset” tax in the capital.
Zsolt Gréczy, who was involved in a scandal over his pornographic images, was nominated by the DK for the supervisory board of the Ferencváros media company.
However, the left-wing mayor of the district also did not support the nomination, after the DK or MSZP failed to withdraw it, Krisztina Baranyi removed the entire issue from the agenda. According to the Fidesz district, the debate shows another failure of the rainbow coalition.
The National Council for Humanitarian Coordination, with the help of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, is helping to protect social institutions against the coronavirus epidemic with more than 32 million HUF, announced Miklós Soltész, president of the organization.
The newly appointed Chancellor of the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts prevented students from entering the Vas Street building.
Gábor Szarka said that the university resolution was not considered legitimate, he proposed a dialogue to resolve the situation, but this was also rejected by the workers’ strike committee and members of the university.
There is no place for homosexual propaganda in kindergartens, said the minister in charge of the prime minister’s office. According to Gergely Gulyás, it can even be a crime to endanger a minor if, for example, the book Fairy Tale Land for Everyone is used in kindergartens.
The district mayor of Fidesz banned the reading of the book Fairy Tale for everyone in the kindergartens of Csepel. Lénárd Borbély communicated this to the heads of the institutions in a letter.
At the meeting of the American-Hungarian Business Council, 12 investments were discussed, which American companies plan to implement in Hungary, with the help of which some 5,000 new jobs could be created, said Finance Minister Mihály Varga.
Hungarians in the Highlands can still count on the support and help of the Hungarian government, said Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in Bratislava.
According to László Tőkés, the agreement and cooperation of the Hungarian parties in Transylvania are necessary to cross the five percent threshold in the Romanian parliamentary elections to be held in early December.
The Visegrad Four must try to strengthen themselves together, because if they can do so, they will be a Central European actor in world economy and politics, as well as an influential actor in European politics, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said.
Without the Visegrad Group, Europe today would be a smaller, weaker and less secure place, said Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in Bratislava.
“A wave of migration now poses a much greater threat to Europe than in 2015, given that, in addition to cultural and security risks, there is also a significant risk to health,” said Péter Szijjártó.
In terms of the approach of the new package of migration proposals from the European Commission, it does not represent a substantial advance, said Károly Kontrát, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Interior Ministry, at the Home Affairs meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council. of the EU.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation in Bulgaria in plenary.
Under the title of rule of law, Bulgaria and its right-wing government have now been included in the sights of the left, said Balázs Hidvéghi, a Fidesz MEP in Brussels.
There are 36 million people in the world infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 1,055,684 deaths and 25.3 million deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
The coronavirus epidemic is worsening in the Czech Republic, causing a closure of cultural and sports life from Monday to two weeks, including the closure of theaters, cinemas, zoos, leisure centers and spas.
The coronavirus epidemic in Germany could become uncontrollable and the number of new infections detected daily could soon rise to more than 10,000, according to the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health.
In Spain, more than 5,500 new coronavirus infections have been registered in the last 24 hours, almost 2,300 of them in Madrid.
The Supreme Court of the Province of Madrid has not approved a restriction on free movement in the area, which was ordered by the Spanish Minister of Health last week as a defense against the coronavirus epidemic.
The Defense Ministries of Armenia and Azerbaijan have also reported on the ongoing fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh.
He held a meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Erkin Asandrand of the Kyrgyz government and pledged to fulfill his social obligations to citizens despite the situation and to strive for state agencies to fulfill their functions.
Leaders of the military coup in Mali released former Prime Minister Boubou Cissé along with other senior state and military officials.
A gang war broke out between armed criminal groups in Rohingya refugee camps in southern Bangladesh, resulting in the loss of at least eight lives.
Sicilian Governor Nello Musumeci urged the immediate expulsion of the aggressive migrants, as well as the distribution of other immigrants in Europe, after a riot broke out at a migrant shelter on the Italian island.
The fire was located in Ryazan county, in the Russian army’s burning ammunition depot in Geltuhino, injuring 16 people in the accident, General Dmitry Bulgakov announced.
The court ordered the arrest of the Syrian leader of a criminal human trafficking organization, the Bács-Kiskun County Prosecutor’s Office said.
Police officers took action in 42 cases across the country for violating masking rules.
The Ministry of Agriculture and the Agrarian Marketing Center have once again launched a campaign to encourage the consumption of apples.
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Attila Sávolt was elected professional director, Kornél Bardóczky was elected director of development by the board of the Hungarian Tennis Association.
The Ferencváros women’s handball team, decimated by the coronavirus epidemic, will travel to the Champions League group stage match against Esbjerg in Denmark, complete with youth players.
