Index – National – Miklós Kásler: Changing the GP system is the next big step


Miklós Kásler, Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources, told Spirit FM in an interview that the nature of the coronavirus epidemic has changed, which is currently spreading in communities, making it significantly more difficult to control than in the spring. . The second wave affected people aged 20 to 40 in August-September, but is now gradually shifting into older age groups.

People over 65 are affected by the infection by 8 to 10 percent. 53 percent of hospital capacity is used and 47 percent have no patients. Russian and Chinese vaccine developments can only be applied to humans if there is adequate and complete certainty. You cannot make responsible guesses about when the correct vaccine will be made, the minister said.

It is also unclear whether one type of vaccine will suffice or whether several combinations will be necessary. The research conducted by Professor Ferenc Jakab at the University of Pécs is worth paying attention to, he emphasized. Regarding parasolvency, he said that another 18 government decrees must be approved before December 1.

Primary care should be located in such a way that an important part of the diagnosis is transferred there from hospitals and therapy, which can be done there, can reduce waiting time in hospitals. The key players in this are family doctors.

– said the Minister of Health, who also explained that at this time the family doctor can carry out activities in accordance with the license. And the goal would be for you to use them in your family medicine practice if you have additional professional exams, such as a surgeon or neurologist. This is conditional on having the instrumentation and paying the insurer.

The minister sees that 80 percent of the findings could be decided at the primary care level. The 15 to 20 percent that a GP cannot judge in this way will be digitally moved to the next level of care. The big difference is that it is not the patient who travels, but the finding, he concluded.
