Fidesz is looking for the successor of János Áder, three of them have a chance


In two years, there will be the eighth presidential election after the regime change. The ruling party leaders are already preparing for it.

Fidesz leaders are already preparing for the 2022 head of state election, Mandiner knows that in the party’s innermost circles, three chance-winning candidates have been mentioned so far.

János Áder On March 13, 2022, he will complete his five-year term. According to the Basic Law, the successor must be elected by Parliament at least 30 and at most 60 days before the end of his term, that is, at the beginning of 2022.

Mandiner knows it in an internal meeting of leaders of Fidesz László Trócsányi MEP, former Minister of Justice, Miklós Maróth President of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, and János Csák The names of a businessman and former Hungarian ambassador in London were suggested as possible successors to János Áder.

János Áder is currently serving his second term, having won in 2017 as titular head of state. He did not have a major conflict with the ruling parties that elected him during his first term, so his new nomination seemed natural.

Three years ago, by the way, two people started for the job because László Majtényi he also undertook the nomination.

Top image: President János Áder speaks at the opening of the International Festival of Nature and Environment in the courtyard of the Royal Castle in Gödöllő on September 11. MTI / Illyés Tibor
