The European Parliament voted on the resolution on the introduction of the rule of law mechanism


The European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution in its plenary session in Brussels on establishing an EU mechanism to protect and strengthen democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights, the EU parliament said on Wednesday.

MEPs called for an evidence-based mechanism to ensure that the Union can truly defend its legal order, the fundamental rights of the people and the international credibility of the Union in the face of the dilution of European values.

According to the resolution approved by 521 votes to 152 and 21 abstentions, the mechanism would operate on an equal footing for all member states, in a fair and impartial manner, respecting at all times the principle of proportionality.

As we wrote above, the rule of law mechanism would have been based on the possibility of suspending the payment of EU money in countries where the fundamental values ​​of the Union are regularly ignored (Poland and Hungary are considered to be such). This instrument would not serve to regulate the countries that are net contributors to the Union, but it was not invented for that either: the targets were clearly the eastern member states. The name of the German compromise proposal therefore suggests that it is a rule of law mechanism. The current title of the proposal is simply: options to protect the budget of the European Union.

The German solver jumped into the union, but Orbán was not satisfied

The European Union has lost the first half of 2020. The second half of the year, on the other hand, is full of solutions that show the handprints of Angela Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen. It is true that Viktor Orbán continues to oppose the plan, which appears to be a great advance on the immigration issue.

Balázs Hidvéghi In a communication to the MTI, the Fidesz MEP emphasized that the European Parliament was asking the European Commission to establish a new rule of law procedure that would allow member states to be politically blackmailed. In addition to broadening the concept of the rule of law, it “would give independent experts and NGOs the power to investigate and punish member states.” As it was told:

A left majority in the European Parliament would use all means to pressure those who think other lines. The goal is clearly to continue blackmailing governments that pursue ideologies they don’t like under the rule of law.

István Ujhelyi, an MSZP MEP at an online press conference in Brussels said

With the resolution, the EP once again handed over chess to the enemies of the union and democracy, including Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Featured Image: mti
