Index – National – Péter Szijjártó got on an electric truck, but TEK did not let him drive


Péter Szijjártó shared a video on his community page about the development of a unique electric truck by a Hungarian company, Innovatív Raktárlogisztika Kft. The chancellor could have sat behind the wheel of one of the vehicles, but someone chimed in that TEK would not allow him to try.

When one of the engineers asked me if I should start the truck, Péter Szijjártó answered no, because if he presses the wrong button, he is afraid of running into the warehouse.

Although I have not gone by truck yet, but if we are alone, there will not be so many people here, I will try. On the one hand, they don’t laugh that I’m lame, I don’t hit anyone

The Foreign Minister reassured him.

Innovatív Raktárlogisztika Kft. Has made a unique development in the European and world comparison. Nowhere else has an all-electric truck with a total weight of 40 tons been developed and put into service for industrial recovery.

Currently, the business group delivers ten trucks to Audi car factories in Győr. The first truck has already been replaced by an electric truck and it is expected that by 2022, all ten trucks will be electric. An electric truck will reduce its emissions by the same amount as its traditional one year compared to the traditional one, and this will also help the implementation of the environmental protection plans in Győr. With this, Hungary has taken a further step in the fight against climate change, Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó said at a news conference in Győr on Wednesday.

Tamás Lipovics, Managing Director of Innovatív Raktárlogisztika Kft., Said that as a midsize company, they can only remain competitive if they use innovative solutions. That is why they invested in an electric truck that is used for vehicle factory service 24 hours a day. The company currently employs 157 people at its six sites in Győr.

According to information from the public company, the company achieved sales revenue of HUF 1,080 million last year, HUF 620.9 million more than in 2018. Its profit increased by HUF 61.9 million to HUF 182.5 million. HUF.

Ruben Bántó, director of Elektromega Kft., Based in Debrecen – manufacturer of the electric truck chassis – said that the nationally developed truck is purely electric, capable of reaching the capital from Debrecen on a single charge. It is designed for special use, which makes it ideal for warehouse logistics service, and the truck can also be loaded during loading.

They would end the era of fossil energy at the heart of German car manufacturing.
