They voted for a historic salary increase for doctors


Parliament passed a bill on the legal status of the health service, according to which doctors can receive a salary increase in three stages: first in 2021, then in 2022 and 2023. By 2023, the salary of a novice doctor will increase from the current 255,000 HUF to 687,000 HUF, and that of a doctor with forty years of professional experience will be 2.4 million HUF instead of the current 525,000 HUF.

On Tuesday, Parliament gave the green light to the bill on the legal status of the health service, on the basis of which doctors can receive a salary increase in three stages: first in 2021, then in 2022 and 2023. The proposal was approved by Parliament with 165 votes. By 2023, the salary of a novice doctor will increase from the current HUF 255,000 to HUF 687,000, and that of a doctor with 40 years of professional experience will be HUF 2.4 million instead of the current HUF 525,000.

Parliament has said yes to a radical increase in doctors’ salariesSource: MTI

The government values ​​health workers

In discussing the bill, Human Resources Minister Miklós Kásler said that health workers could expect the government to appreciate it. He recalled that in the first phase of the epidemic, workers received a one-time benefit of 500,000 HUF, while in the second phase, the Cabinet will increase the level of wages. According to Kassler The basis of this salary arrangement is the complex transformation of healthcare. He also spoke about the recent slowdown in emigration in the healthcare sector. During the salary increase, the government accepted the proposal proposed by the Hungarian Medical Chamber, he added. The bill paves the way for long-term health care, and we can finally end the pre-2010 period and the practice that is pushing the boundaries of anarchy.

Miklós Kásler described the proposal as an era.

Miklós Kásler: The current proposal is making timeSource: MTI / Tibor Illyés

It’s not just doctors who increase their salaries

Since 2010, the government has been taking consistent steps to help restore health care: Since 2010, 91 rural hospitals, 54 clinics, 107 ambulances have been renovated, and 23 new clinics and 34 new ambulances have been built. He explained.

The minister said that the comprehensive salary increase program for health professionals is underway, with a salary increase next November. By 2022, a nurse will earn an average of two and a half times more than in 2019. The salaries of doctors and specialists have increased on average two and a half times since 2010, and the work of paramedics has also been highly recognized by the government, as it implemented a 67 percent salary increase between 2016 and 2018, supplemented by another 10 percent as of January 1, 2018. – He said.

Current law may permanently end the era in which leftist governments withdrew 600 billion HUF from healthcare, closed high-quality healthcare institutions, laid off 6,000 healthcare workers, deprived all health workers paid a month’s salary and paid visiting fees to hospital patients. Miklós Kásler said.

Fidesz: an unprecedented increase

Gabriella Selmeczi (Fidesz), who opened the list of keynote speakers, called the bill historic, recalling that the government has been taking consistent action since 2010 to restore health care, an important milestone of which is this proposal. He is stressed: In the current epidemic situation, the government would like to express its appreciation even more for the sacrificed work of health workers, knowing that the worsening of the epidemic is putting increasing pressure on the profession, and this could intensify in the future. next 7-8 months.The superhuman work of doctors should be rewarded and recognized, said the Fidesz politician, calling the proposed salary increase in the proposal an unprecedented advance.

Fidesz: We must recognize the work of doctorsSource: Origo

According to Lőrinc Nacsa, KDNP keynote speaker In 2010, the Gyurcsány-Bajnai government left a privatized and “hijacked” health care system, as between 2002 and 2010 Hungary was the only OECD country where per capita health care expenditures decreased. Six hundred billion guilders have been withdrawn from health care and six thousand workers have been laid off, he said, adding that the current government is fighting for wage increases for those left by previous left governments. She highlighted: Compared to 2010, there are 22,000 more healthcare professionals, and salaries for nurses will increase by 20 percent as of November 1.

Recognition for brave position

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced last Saturday that the government had accepted a proposal for a salary increase presented by the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK), which would increase the salaries of doctors to an unprecedented measure, while at the same time disappearing money from gratitude. Depending on the length of the internship, a resident will receive a basic salary of around 7-800 thousand guilders, and senior doctors can earn 2.4 million guilders.

The liquidation of doctors’ salaries has been an issue that no government has been able to address so far, so the 120 percent increase now adopted can certainly be considered historic. Hungarian doctors and healthcare professionals are at the forefront of the world, nothing can prove this better than their performance during the pandemic. said dr. Maurer Szemere, head of the healthcare business of Századvég Gazdaságkutató Zrt., adding that the government recognizes precisely this courageous support with the package of proposals now adopted.

Doctors will receive a historic salary increasePhoto: Shutterstock

It is only possible to deviate up the salary scale

At the government’s proposal, the Hungarian Medical Chamber adopted all the amendments to be dealt with at the legislative level at the legislative meeting of the parliamentary commission on Monday evening, Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said earlier. Thus, the Legislative Committee finally unanimously

he supported a health bill presented by the government on Monday morning, which includes an increase in medical salaries, the minister said. According to this, it is only possible to deviate upwards from the established salary scale, by a maximum of 20 percent – said Gergely Gulyás.
