No more begging and courting for material and labor!


The order book was reduced to 25 jobs

The epidemic has eroded confidence and security, leading to a decline in investment and a reduction in backorders for 25 jobs. However, this is still a healthy and sensible size because you have time to breathe and prepare.

he said Sándor Scheer, Managing Director of Market Építő Zrt., who added that a lot of energy is being spent studying how companies operate in other countries in addition to the previously developed construction industry and in what way. “A construction compilation has been completed for Central European countries, which includes construction and civil engineering companies. As a market leading construction company in Hungary, we participated in all the most complex and large jobs as applicants, but we had We have to give up smaller tasks. But of course we also start from the state investments that suit us. We try to be very professional in the construction of industrial and logistics facilities, they accounted for almost half of our work. Office space is also very dominant, now MOL Campus, OTP- We are building a headquarters and two more offices at Kopaszi Dam, although residential development is not the simplest construction and investment task (extremely complex, many professional industries, unique needs, many end users, many contracts, etc.), of course we can’t get lost as there are mixed projects like BudaPart , where office buildings and homes are also built. We got into ‘big pouts’ 4-5 years ago, our home development business was not profitable for two years, but now I can be happy to report that we have learned how to build a housing project profitably. “

Sándor Scheer founded Market Építő Zrt. In 1996, and it has been the number one company ever since. More than 600 buildings are linked to the name of your company, the most important investment contractor in Hungary. Plus


Sándor Scheer founded Market Építő Zrt. In 1996, and it has been the number one company ever since. More than 600 buildings are linked to the name of your company, the most important investment contractor in Hungary. Plus next

Subsidiaries represent security

The CEO also reported on why it was necessary to create subsidiaries: “We spent two days in a French company in 2008, they showed us how they work. They essentially surrounded themselves with subsidiaries, their own companies, which also motivated us to set up.” a system of subsidiaries that results in 60-70 percent of our industrial investments being made with our own companies, so we are not exposed to anyone, and this allows for extreme deadlines. So we have a network that can handle deadlines. “

What is the article about?

  • Assessing the current situation
  • Why is it important for Market to work with so many subsidiaries?
  • Advantages of data analysis in construction
  • Decrease in the prices of raw materials for construction
  • Has chain debt returned to construction?
  • The labor market situation
  • The euro exchange rate also carries great risks
