Rarely is a market as shocked as we see it in Hungary


What are private healthcare providers preparing for? Our conference on November 10 reveals:

At noon Monday, many of those who began to read the 34-page bill on health services rights introduced by Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, were able to whisper. Legislation can fundamentally rewrite the business model for private healthcare providers. In addition to the significant increase in medical salaries in three stages, the section on conflict of interest rules includes a clause that states that:

A person in a legal health services relationship may establish another gainful occupation, as well as an activity for remuneration, only with the prior permission of a government-designated body.

On the other hand, those who have read EMMI’s series of summer questions sent to workers are not completely unexpectedly affected by the latest government initiative. Legislation published Monday is pretty much about that.

puts doctors first over making a decision: they can choose between the state or a private provider, and with the new salary scale, called historic by many, it sends a clear message on which side you prefer to see doctors.

Of course, it left open the possibility that the health worker works in both places at the same time, but the conditions for this are not yet known (based on which the application will be approved, objective or subjective aspects will influence), nor which. competent governmental body.

And the individual decision of physicians will fundamentally influence the future operation of private healthcare providers. This is because the main private market players that function exclusively have built the model to provide better conditions for patients (modern institution, predictable enrollment process, date, etc.) and better conditions for their doctors and professionals through higher wages and less workload. , which was taken advantage of by the increase in private inspection fees. As a result, workers in the sector have stood on several legs: a doctor receives orders from various private providers in addition to his public position. In previous years, there has been research that shows that most physicians order privately in more than 3-4 public places in addition to their public workplace.

The public and private care systems were kept alive by the fact that the people who worked there took on jobs and assignments in several places at the same time. It is an ageless truth that there are not enough healthcare workers for two systems at once. If this passage is eliminated, the operation of the systems seen so far can fundamentally change.

Obviously, we do not know the detailed rules, so it is very difficult to estimate how many professionals will leave private providers there as a result of the bill, if Parliament votes in this way, or how many will be permanently bound to private companies, how many will be those who hold the public foot they move to the black zone and strengthen the gray housing customer “sector”. And doctors’ decisions can be influenced beyond the comparison of salaries., in what field, exactly in what profession they work (complicated and large surgeries), how much awareness has been created among patients and how much they have received thank you money in the state system so far.

On the other hand, it is clear that private providers have not only gained a serious and growing competitor by increasing medical salaries, but by moving the quasi-nugget, the future development trajectory of companies can also be consolidated.

How attractive a private healthcare provider really is to doctors will be decided in the coming months.

In recent years, the private sector has had a kind of natural draining effect (in 2019, the number of employees increased in all private healthcare companies), and clinics have recently sought to get the biggest names to only take orders from they. It could easily happen that this trend could halt and even reverse, overwriting the growth plans of service providers. If there is no doctor, there is no care, there is no patient. It should also be noted that in addition to the suction effect, private healthcare providers played an important role in attracting Hungarian doctors home and keeping them at home.

If private companies weaken, it can also affect the retention of domestic physicians at home, as workers dissatisfied with public wages (now significantly increased) may lose the opportunity for complementary domestic private paxia, leaving employment abroad as alternative.

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