Gábor Török: Orbán is weakening Lőrinc Mészáros


According to the political analyst, the head of government will submit everything to the 2022 elections.

To Telex Gábor Török The political scientist analyzed the most important domestic and foreign policy events in recent days. He thought Viktor Orban in sports language you can win Vera Jourová party from
he will already have an apology from the vice president of the European Commission, and sees an opportunity if he does not resign.

According to the analyst, the fact that the European People’s Party is still unable to end its conflict with Fidesz no longer causes significant harm to Orban, but rather shows that there is no real counterweight to him. This is because EU politicians are still on a different path, they are

They prepare for an elegant tennis match, then Viktor Orbán arrives, the boxer who opens with a left hook and the match is about to end.

The Prime Minister also surprised him with his long liberal speech in the Hungarian Nation, the essence of which he said was that he would subordinate everything, including the current treatment of the epidemic situation, to the 2022 elections, because Orbán is now very afraid of the joint opposition.

And with the term “libernyas”, it was possible to test whether the power plant was working well, but the prime minister’s linguistic invention ran through the system, it seems.

In the interview, Gábor Török says that the circle he calls the Court of Orbán is much more important in terms of power than the Fidesz faction, because the party president has established a princely government.

This yard is very difficult to monitor by analytical methods, but I see that the balance of power and the circle of personnel is also constantly changing; the question of distance proximity to the Prime Minister is constantly changing.

According to Gábor Török, this is not accidental, the Prime Minister devotes most of his energies to this. Right now Lőrincet Mészáros tightens, weakens. This is confirmed by her own observations, but she also received such information from court actors, with whom she occasionally speaks. The essence of the so-called creative governance is informal power, an invisible construction in which

everyone is feeling insecure about their own situation as well as the situation of others, and everyone is watching the decisions of the prime minister in between, so he is creatively managing the whole system.

Gábor Török believes that the opposition is in a very bad position due to its resources, but it has not been so well since 2010, because in addition to unification, the economic crisis also offers a new opportunity. He believes that even at Fidesz, those who are closer to the top of decision-making are more skeptical about the elections because they also see reality.

Featured image: Balázs Ivándi-Szabó / 24.hu
