Cecília Müller: There are no spots for the Super Cup


Walking the world is still in an upward phase, Hungary is no exception, the operative said at a press conference on Monday. Müller Cecília. He recalled that according to the latest data, 905 new infections were found and 11 more patients died.

Health workers are being personally supervised, which means they are trying to treat coronavirus patients in concentrated places where all conditions are available, the national chief physician added. Cecília Müller noted that the infrastructure at these central locations is adequate, but additional supply personnel are also needed, and the diversion for this purpose is proceeding according to plan.

Kiss Róbert, a deputy spokesperson for the operational court’s operational staff said that according to the government’s decision, the travel facilitation valid for the Visegrád countries is valid until 1 November. Consequently, for Hungarian citizens from Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland and their non-Hungarian family members, a negative PCR test is sufficient if they have stayed in a V4 country before the legislation comes into force. The decree on this was also published in the Hungarian Gazette on Monday.

Journalism questions:

  • It is not dangerous for someone to get vaccinated against the flu without knowing that it is coronavirus ”, said Cecília Müller. She added that flu vaccination is not a danger even if the flu itself is already lurking in the body. Vaccination also helps doctors because the symptoms of the two diseases are similar, which makes it easier to rule out the flu that causes it after vaccination. Vaccination is determined by your doctor before administering the vaccine, but the vaccine can be administered not only by your GP, but also by your doctor.
  • Health centers always have enough protective equipment available for two weeks.
  • Cecília Müller suggests that we also use a mask in the outdoor market, although it is not mandatory. For homemade masks, the medical director recommends cotton, which should be washed at least 60 degrees.
  • There was no financial limit or obstacle to PCR testing for a moment, the medical director answered the question of whether there is any additional material to cover the tests in addition to the 14.1 billion HUF set aside by the government by the end of the year. This amount is sufficient for a maximum of 8000 tests per day.
  • According to epidemiological data, there are no focal points related to the Super Cup match held in Budapest.

Featured image: MTI / Gergely Botár / kormany.hu
