According to the prosecution, Italian meat magnate Piero Pini and his associates caused more than 6 billion in damage to the Hungarian budget. The prosecution demanded a prison sentence for the leaders of the criminal organization to discharge her.

The Bács-Kiskun County Prosecutor General’s Office has indicted Italian-Hungarian meat magnate Piero Pini, his son and 110 other defendants for crimes of budget fraud, money laundering and bribery committed in a criminal organization. caused harm.

The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation accused the defendants, among others

He accuses him of budget fraud, money laundering and financial bribery in a criminal organization.

A according to the prosecution, he proposed the execution of a prison and the prohibition of public affairs for the leaders of the criminal organization, including excluding them from the possibility of parole. They were also asked to exclude them from their employment, that is, from the management of the company.

Pini has been one of the most important players in the Hungarian meat industry for decades, the Kiskunfélegyháza slaughterhouse that can be connected to it is the plant with the highest cutting capacity in the country, with hundreds of people working there. He also tried Hungarian football, bought Honvéd 11 years ago, but then left a few years later due to scandals there.

According to the statement from the Prosecutor’s Office, the accusation establishes that at least four criminal organizations operated side by side, which supported each other, the central part of the case being tax fraud using a meat company in the Great South Plain. The directors of the company are also owners of several foreign companies and, due to international relations, NAV and the Attorney General’s Office have resolved the case with the participation of international organizations, such as Europol and Eurojust, in cooperation with foreign authorities.

The company that operated a slaughterhouse in Bács-Kiskun county used its own labor to a lesser extent and, above all, used subcontractors. The subcontractors invoiced their services plus VAT. However, according to the prosecution, there was in fact a temporary staffing between the parties, so the subcontract was not true in the case of contract work. The goal was to avoid paying taxes and contributions to employees and to “produce” VAT invoices for the meat company.

The beneficiary of the simulated transactions and tax evasion was the meat company, with the help of labor companies.

According to a statement from the Prosecutor’s Office, the managers of the meat company used contractors who evaded paying taxes with fictitious invoices or reported workers for less than their real salary, thus reducing their contribution costs. In addition, part of the employees’ salaries were delivered in a “tax-free” voucher, which was almost immediately exchanged for cash, defrauding additional tax credits from the budget.

Since April 2018, NAV investigators carried out 11 actions in the case, including house searches and seizures at 217 sites. During the reconnaissance, the investigating authority fully insured the billions of guilders in damages. The locks were not only successful domestically, but also affected the assets of foreign companies thanks to effective domestic cooperation.

According to the indictment, the managers of the meat industry company caused a total financial loss of 6.1 billion HUF in the budget in eight years. The owners of the company and the managing director voluntarily reimbursed this amount to NAV before the indictment, thus compensating the full damage.

The leaders of the criminal organization tried to “launder” the money by transferring it between bank accounts, concealing its origin, the Bács-Kiskun County Attorney General’s Office writes about the case. With the proceeds of the tax fraud, the leaders of the criminal organization transferred more than 1 billion guilders in dividends to a Cypriot company in which they had a stake, and the amount eventually landed in the account of a Spanish company, which could also be linked. to them.

In the case, NAV investigators also discovered an invoice factory that issued fictitious invoices, mainly for advertising, based on customer needs. Approximately 40 companies that received fictitious invoices caused a total of HUF 1.5 billion in budget damage. Several of the companies receiving the invoices voluntarily compensated for the damage caused.

The owner and manager of the meat company is currently under criminal supervision, and the owner, Piero Pini, also accused of his son, is awaiting trial.

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Italian meat mogul was freed

The owner of Hungary’s largest slaughterhouse was arrested in March, detained for half a year and then not released on bail. Authorities did not provide details on the status of the investigation.

The owner of one of the largest slaughterhouses was arrested

The Italian owner and two partners of the meat industry company in Kiskunfélegyháza are suspected of budget fraud.