Index – Economy – The government has allocated money for 728 thousand pcr tests


According to a government decree in early October, the government allocated a total of HUF 14 billion in the central budget arrathat the National Center of Public Health carry out a pcr test. According to calculations, the price of a test is 19,500 HUF, that is, a total of 728 thousand tests can be performed.

That sounds brutal, but not so brutal when divided into days.

According to them, as of October 1, this means just over 8,000 tests a day. Currently, approximately between 11 and 13 thousand tests are carried out daily. This is not enough according to the data. According to the WHO, so many tests should be done that the proportion of positive results does not reach five percent. Hungary has not been able to maintain this level since mid-September, according to today’s data we were above 10 percent.

If a thousand additional tests were carried out, it would cost approximately HUF 20 million per day and HUF 1,755 million by the end of the year. And over a thousand tests wouldn’t really make a real difference in that bad ratio. If twice as many tests were carried out, that is, 25 thousand, the total cost would be 44 billion HUF, that is, an additional 30 billion HUF in addition to the one currently being voted on.
