In seven settlements, the number of infected people may increase depending on the wastewater


In recent weeks, samples from 7 wastewater treatment plants showed an increasing trend in the amount of hereditary material of the new coronavirus, these are the northern, southern and central areas of Békéscsaba, Székesfehérvár, Szombathely, Pécs, Eger and Budapest . With the help of the high-sensitivity study, an increase in the epidemic wave can be predicted even before the appearance of a large number of cases showing clinical symptoms.

The National Center for Public Health (NNK) involved new settlements in the analysis of wastewater samples, settlements in the area of ​​the capital agglomeration also joined the sampling: Tököl, Biatorbágy, Szigetszentmiklós, Budakeszi, Százhalombatta.

Samples from seven sewage treatment plants (Békéscsaba, Székesfehérvár, Szombathely, Pécs, Eger and the northern, southern and central areas of Budapest) showed an increasing trend in the amount of hereditary material of new coronaviruses.

Based on previous studies, it can be stated that the coronavirus does not infect with water or sewage, but by examining sewage, it is possible to monitor the spread of the virus in larger communities, even in entire settlements, writes the NNK in its website.

With the help of the high-sensitivity study, an increase in the epidemic wave can be predicted even before the appearance of a large number of cases showing clinical symptoms. The increase in concentration detected in the wastewater precedes the increase in the number of symptomatic diseases by 4 to 10 days. The results of the WKH wastewater tests and the increase in positive cases show that it is still very important to comply with disciplined behavior and epidemiological rules, emphasizes the statement.
