Index – Foreign – Donald Trump’s condition may be more serious than reported


As we reported Friday morning, Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, became infected with the corona virus and the president has since been hospitalized. Based on initial information, this was done only as a precaution, but his doctor recently announced that President Trump

treated with experimental agents.

In practice, this means that the treatment you receive is not recorded, even with the now increasingly common expedited procedure. White House physician Sean Conley said the president had received a single dose of a cocktail of polyclonal antibodies produced by regeneron called REGN-COV2, which did not cause unexpected complications.

The manufacturer said Tuesday that the test drug was able to reduce the amount of virus that could be detected in a patient and also shorten the time it took for symptoms to improve. The drug has been studied in patients who do not otherwise require hospital treatment and therefore have a relatively milder course. Because of this, and because the drug has not yet been registered by the US Federal Drug Administration, several prominent medical experts have expressed confusion.

According to Jeremy Faust, a physician at Harvard University Teaching Hospital, the highly respected Brigham and Women’s Hospital, or the president’s physicians did not read the drug’s instructions or medical literature, or


that is, they are willing to give you everything that is expected to improve. Donald Trump also receives vitamin D, aspirin, zinc, famotidine (an agent that reduces stomach acid) and melatonin, according to the president’s doctor. Dr. Conley has not mentioned the president’s well-known cholesterol-lowering agent, although there is evidence in the more recent literature that taking it may be beneficial for Covid, albeit in unknown ways.

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A study of 9,000 patients found that patients taking the so-called statin-type cholesterol-lowering drug had a significantly lower incidence of fatal or severe coronavirus infection than those in the control group. In light of this, it would be strange if Donald Trump had stopped taking it right now. Regarding the president’s condition, his doctor said that

while the First Lady complained of coughs and headaches. According to the AP news agency, wearing a mask in the White House is not yet mandatory (!)
