Donald Trump developed symptoms of the coronavirus


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Donald Trump is producing mild cold symptoms after his coronavirus test came back positive today (US time yesterday), the New York Times writes, citing two sources close to him. According to sources, Trump was also lethargic and tired, falling asleep on the flight home from his campaign trip. Meanwhile, Vice President Mike Pence and other officials’ test came back negative.

As we write, Donald Trump traveled with consultant Hope Hicks, who was already infected with a coronavirus at the time of the trip. Trump is now in quarantine, he will not be able to hold the next days of campaign events in person.

Trump could have been a carrier of the virus when arguing with Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Since then, Bident has been tested and is currently awaiting results.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows also spoke to reporters, saying that Donald Trump and his wife were fine, that the president was doing his job. “We have a president who will not only do his job now, but will do it in the future,” Meadows said. He said the presidential couple is showing mild symptoms of the infection, both are fine. The president is not only in a good mood, but also very energetic, said the chief of staff, who also took the test and the result was negative, reports MTI.

Meadows declined to comment on the treatment Melania and Donald Trump would receive. He was optimistic about his speedy recovery. The White House said that Trump’s youngest son, Barron, tested negative for the virus. Mitch McConnell, Republican Majority Leader in the Senate, also spoke. As he said, he spoke to the president by phone and found he was “in a very good mood.”

Several Democratic politicians responded to the news on Twitter. Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate, and his wife wanted a speedy recovery for the presidential couple. “We have thoughts with President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump,” Biden wrote on Twitter, adding that “we continue to pray for the health and safety of the President and his family.” Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice presidential candidate, also wanted a “quick and full recovery” for the presidential couple on Twitter.

Speaking to MSNBC television, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the Democratic House, said she had heard the news with “great sadness.” She added: “Now that the president of the United States and her wife have become infected despite the precautions surrounding her, perhaps this is also an opportunity for people to learn from this. The president considered it important to emphasize that he hoped that the Trump virus infection “would allow a healthier approach to the transfer of power.”

Cover image: Getty Images
