Márton Joób, detained since July, resigned from his duties in Szeged


In preventive detention Martin Joob he resigned from his municipal position on September 30.

In a letter sent to the Szeged General Assembly, the local representative announced that he would resign from his position as advisor responsible for family, social policy and sports, as well as from his membership of the Supervisory Board of Szegedi Sport és Fürdők Kft. The deputy has donated to charity the honorary award you have received for the past two months.

At the end of July, the authorities arrested a left-wing representative of the Szeged municipality and several direct employees.

The former athlete and his associates are suspected of causing a HUF 254 million budget drain through fictitious billing. Between late 2013 and late 2017, the Szeged-based distribution company, which is based at the top of the criminal organization, accepted invoices from companies created to issue fictitious invoices. The MP’s house was also seized during the investigation.

Fidesz-KDNP representatives have already requested it at the one-week board meeting on Friday László Botka from the mayor of Szeged to call Joob. It was argued that although everyone has a presumption of innocence until the final verdict, it is unacceptable for Márton Joób to pay tribute without working.
