Index – Domestic – Cecília Müller: 481 health workers with coronavirus


By the second day of October, ​​reported a record number of new confirmed infections: a single type of coronavirus infection was detected in 1,322 people in a single day, increasing the number of identified patients in Hungary. since the outbreak to 28,631. The number of active infections has risen to 21,484, meaning that many are still struggling with the health problems caused by the virus. Of these, 740 are in the hospital and 47 are connected to a ventilator. The worsening of the epidemic is indicated by the last 17 deaths recorded in one day in April.

We can see from the figures that, as in Europe, the number of infected and dead people is also increasing in Hungary, said Cecília Müller, national medical director, at Friday’s briefing of operational staff. Among the daily epidemic data, she mentioned that 13,7 thousand PCR tests have been carried out in the last 24 hours. She also mentioned that the government had also provided cover for further tests.

The Medical Director also presented recent data on the epidemic from neighboring countries, which sadly covered a growing number of infections.

He stressed the importance of keeping your distance, masking yourself and washing your hands frequently with basic rules.

All the deceased had a chronic disease: cardiovascular disease predominated.

Cecília Müller also spoke about the need to prescribe medications to chronic patients in advance and to closely follow medical indications for the treatment of diseases, since controlled diseases are less likely to cause serious symptoms of coronavirus infection.

According to the medical director, the flu vaccine will be available in the second half of October. Applicants can be vaccinated by appointment and it is important that they do not confuse the doctors they are visiting due to illness.

Currently, the Operational Staff has ordered extraordinary breaks in 33 kindergartens and 6 schools, and digital work schedules for 121 classes and 5 entire schools due to coronavirus diseases, said Cecília Müller. She recalled that if a temperature of 37.8 degrees was measured in the child, the child should be monitored to see if she really had a fever by repeated temperature measurements after a quarter of an hour.

A total of 1,234 health workers were infected during the epidemic, now 481 are positive patients.

So far, a health worker has died from a coronavirus infection, Cecília Müller said in response to a question. It added 2.23 percent of the number of active infections and suggests that healthcare workers wear protective gear appropriately, no matter how stressful and uncomfortable they are wearing all day.

In response to questions, the Medical Director stated that so far no violation of the re-imposed prohibition on visiting medical and social care institutions had been observed. Otherwise, it is up to the institutions to supervise this.

The drug developed in Japan for the favipiravir coronavirus is currently in the experimental phase and can therefore only be used in hospitals.

Cecília Müller also said that there is still insufficient data on whether the onset of the coronavirus infection will be seasonal. Conceivably this is also characterized by seasonality.

As in the spring, diabetics can now hope that if they have a prescription from a specialist and the GP has a prescription permit, it will be enough to ask the GP for a prescription over the phone and not have to go for one recipe.
