This is not a battle of numbers, but a volatile and risky situation, warns virologist Gábor Kemenesi


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Gábor Kemenesi, virologist and member of the Pécs Virology Research Group led by Ferenc Jakab, shared his opinion on Facebook about the state of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary.

We have crossed the psychological limit of 1000 infected / day. The truth is that we have probably crossed this before, with the current tests there is no accurate picture of the epidemic situation (I mean a positivity rate greater than 5% in this case)

– the researcher initiates the entry.

He warns of the importance of wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and hand hygiene, and asks us to reduce our daily comfort habits, gatherings, and time spent indoors that could help spread the epidemic.

We will reduce the number of visits to places where there is a closed space, many people turn around (gas station, shopping center, etc.) – and those who work here and those who come here should pay more attention to the use of masks. Countless times I have found that they don’t do this; I understand that it is inconvenient, but contracting the virus or even continuing to infect others is much worse.

According to Kemenesi “[s]ok people feel comfortable and slowly interpret the opinion of experts at the level of jokes ”, while others ask a political question about the perception of the epidemic situation.

We do not have to understand everything, but I ask everyone to accept the right to health of all their fellow human beings and act accordingly.

The virologist remembers that “[a] The virus remains a new coronavirus against which the vast majority of the population has no protection and can severely affect a significant layer “after recovery.

We live our lives, but we consciously live according to the gravity of the situation!

– close your Kemenesi entrance.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
