Index – Domestic – Virologist Says It Doesn’t Make Sense To Measure School Fever, But Children In Line May Infect Each Other


On Thursday evening, pediatrician Tamás Constantin sat down in an online chat with Ferenc Jakab, a virologist from Pécs, András Falus, an immunologist, and Dániel Tordas, a home-based pediatrician, to discuss what is the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic currently in Hungary. For his part, Ferenc Jakab first drew attention to the fact that things are not going in the right direction, Hungary is already a country in serious danger of extinction in the World Health Organization (WHO), and if all that remains , no more serious action will be taken. number of infected.

What’s worse, he added, is that the older age group will be increasingly affected by coronavirus infection, more people will be ventilated and there will be more deaths. Furthermore, there are fears that the coronavirus will explode in nursing homes and social institutions, which will only increase the pressure on the healthcare system.

We must bear in mind that we are trying to stop the spread of the epidemic, we will not be able to stop it, but if we encounter this loss as a fast train with such a tendency, we will be depleting our health capacity very quickly. We don’t see the peak of the epidemic at all. The numbers are increasing

The virologist explained.

Ferenc Jakab also spoke about the fact that the measurement of school fever does not make sense “neither professionally nor epidemiologically”.

  • In many cases, there is no fever, especially in children, but rarely in adults.
  • There is no fever at all in asymptomatic infected people.
  • A patient can become infected 1-2 days before the onset of symptoms.
  • A responsible parent will not allow his child to enter the community, and an irresponsible parent will give him his antipyretic and let him go to school, but in the latter case a fever cannot be detected.

He reasonedwhy he considers the procedure to be a “completely irrelevant decision” that he thinks it is only good for asymptomatic children to catch it “beautifully” when they wait in front of their school in the rain and snow without a mask in winter. Alone of course would make sense to measure school fever Closed the line of thought the virologistbut only if the teacher would do before the first lesson indoors, in the classroom, avoiding the need for children and their parents to line up outside.
