Without more serious measures, many more people will be hospitalized and die from the coronavirus epidemic, this was what virologist Ferenc Jakab said in an online conference.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

On the Facebook page of pediatrician Tamás Constantin, the site owner spoke with Ferenc Jakab, a Pécs virologist, András Falus, an immunologist, and Dániel Tordas, a home pediatrician, about the current problems of the coronavirus epidemic.

Ferenc Jakab started the conversation, saying that the epidemic was going in a very bad direction. The number of deaths began to increase, but this is not surprising, this could already be predicted from the increase in the number of infected.

The spread of the virus in the young was dominant in late August, but the epidemic is already slipping into the older age group, now the average age is 40-41 years, compared to 30-31 years earlier, he said. the virologist, then pointed out another problem:

Unfortunately, our testability is finite and little by little we are reaching the top.

He also said that the WHO also recognized the deterioration of the situation in Hungary and changed our classification: Hungary was placed in category 3, which is in serious danger of extinction. She also added that we must slow the pace of the epidemic because we will not be able to stop it. “But if we rush to our loss in this way, we will be depleting our capacity for health.

We do not see the peak or plateau of the epidemic, the numbers increase and there will be more day by day.

According to James, if everything continues like this and there are no more serious measures, we will experience drastic numbers in a month, plus it will reach the oldest age group. More will be hospitalized and ventilated, and there will be more deaths. The virus is feared to explode in nursing homes and communities. “I’m really not optimistic, that’s the truth.”


As for PCR tests, Jakab said there are more and more cases in which the disease has already subsided, but the patient produces positive tests every week. The method is very sensitive, this may be the reason. In Pécs, experiments are underway to try to infect cells with samples taken from these patients to see if the virus continues to infect.

He also added that currently a doctor with a positive PCR result does not dare to allow anyone to return to the community. According to immunologist András Falus, infectivity is the deciding factor, not detection of the virus. There is still no solution to this problem.

Mandatory temperature control introduced in schools has also been discussed. Daniel Tordas said that international data and his own experience also show that

children do not develop the coronavirus with a fever.

Fever tests can prevent someone from going to school sick, not getting a coronavirus. According to Tordas, it is important that the 37.8 established in the regulation means that the child certainly cannot go to school, but parents have a great responsibility not to leave the child at school with a lower temperature rise. He believes that this method cannot exclude the coronavirus from communities.

Fever testing has started in schools – some say it’s wrong, others say it’s too little

Students began to measure the temperature at the entrance of the schools on Thursday, in an elementary school in Óbuda a thermometer was also pressed into the hands of the school guard. Parents are happy with the move, but there are those who say it is not enough, students should be tested. Emmi doesn’t tell you exactly where and for how much they bought 41,000 non-contact thermometers.

According to Jakab, this study also makes no professional or epidemiological sense. It is an irrelevant step because in many cases there is no fever before symptoms appear, but the patient is already infected. Especially for asymptomatic people. He also gave an example of why it doesn’t make sense: As long as children are waiting for the measurement outside and piling up there, they can easily infect each other. Turda added that thermometers are often not used correctly,

they also try to measure the temperature on the neck and face, although they are calibrated on the forehead.

However, according to Jakab, it can also be seen from the data that the kindergarten and school communities are not the drivers of the epidemic. He believes that only with personal responsibility can results be achieved.

We go back to the old methods, at a distance, to quarantine, to hand washing, but they are effective.

According to the expert, this method should be used until there is no vaccine: there will only be one solution to this epidemic, vaccines, there is no other solution.

Daniel Tordas also spoke about the flu in relation to the coronavirus epidemic. He says everyone should get vaccinated because the virus damages mucous membranes and then anyone can get infected with the coronavirus more easily. James added that due to the precautions in place in the southern hemisphere against coronavirus infections, the flu pandemic has been left behind.

Let’s face it, if we follow the rules, we can hit two birds with one stone.

– He said.

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Jakab Ferenc: Research and epidemiology contact not possible

At home

The virologist, who also works with ITM, said the government’s decisions in the spring were correct and swift, but now we don’t see it.

Ferenc Jakab is now a physician at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Life + Style

The virologist defended his dissertation on Wednesday. The work, of course, was on viruses.