The EU is taking legal action against the British government over the rewritten Brexit deal


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

The European Commission has granted the British government a postponement until the end of September to remove parts of the Brexit deal that the Boris Johnson have unilaterally rewritten in violation of international conventions. Ursula von der Leyen is now warning the British that the deadline has expired, so she is bringing the matter to justice, writes The Guardian.

In early September, the British government entered the Brexit deal, which had been sweating after years of negotiations, rewriting some of the parts of the deal with the EU that affected Northern Ireland, without giving Brussels the blessing. Furthermore, even the British government knew that this would not be the case, and the Northern Ireland minister acknowledged in Parliament that the procedure “violated an international convention”. What is the fundamental problem of the British Government regarding the Northern Ireland border is what we have written about in detail here.

The formal notification letter received by the British government is the first step in the infringement procedure.If the British government does not remove the parts of the agreement that violate the Convention, a case can eventually be brought before the Court of Justice of the European Union, which, if the EU is right, can fine the UK government all days until you violate the Convention. And the British government has pledged to abide by the court’s decision in all cases that will last for a transitional period until December 31, 2020.

The UK government’s response to Von der Leyen’s announcement has been that they will respond to the legal call in a timely manner, but the necessary framework needs to be put in place to protect the UK’s domestic market after the union’s secession.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

