According to the vice president of the EP, Hungary should go financially hungry, the government spokesman was a bit Nazi


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Fidesz politicians face another European vice president on social media in English and Hungarian, after Vera Jourová, vice president of the European Commission, Katarina Barley, vice president of the European Parliament, also spoke with Hungary. The German Social Democratic politician told Deutschlandfunk on German national public service radio on Wednesday that

Financial assistance from the EU is an effective means of ensuring respect for the rule of law, and Member States such as Poland and Hungary must be “deprived of financial resources”.According to Barley, the situation in these two Member States is particularly serious, and breaches of the rule of law are not limited to individual and isolated cases, but are systematic. She confirmed that the four largest political groups in the EP would block the adoption of the EU budget for the seven-year cycle starting in 2021 unless there was an agreement that there would be clear penalties for breaches of the rule of law.

“If we give up now, there will be conditions in Europe for seven years that we don’t want, that have nothing to do with the values ​​of the EU.” – said the vice-president of the EP, who rejected the compromise proposal of a mechanism to guarantee the rule of law presented by the German government as president-in-office of the EU Council. According to this, an infringement of the rule of law would only be sanctioned if the infringement concerned EU subsidies, “slowly weakening the mechanism entirely”.

Spokespersons for Fidesz and the government flew to Barley’s statement. Zoltán Kovács, the favorite medium of an international spokesperson, Twitter, for example, asked the question that when the vice president speaks of hunger,

he wants to make use of the German knowledge acquired in starving Warsaw, Leningrad or Stalingrad, drawing a parallel between Barley’s declaration and the actions of the Nazi German army.

István Hollik, the communication director of Fidesz, published a post on his Facebook page next to the photo of Barley, illustrating with György Soros,

the rule of law is just an excuse for the people of Brussels to blackmail Hungary.

The formula is simple: if we don’t do what Brussels dictates with Soros behind us, they would freeze the money that belongs to Hungary, citing the rule of law, “writes Hollik.

The European Commission issued its first reports on the rule of law on Wednesday, covering all member states at the same time, including Hungary. Within the EU institutions, there has been debate for some time that the allocation of resources for the next seven years should be subject to conditions that guarantee respect for the rule of law. The Hungarian government strongly opposed this, and recently opened a whole new front for the EU when Viktor Orbán announced that if Commission President Ursula von der Leyen did not replace Vera Jourova, the vice chair of the committee for the rule of law. , the Hungarian government would suspend bilateral relations with the Vice President.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

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