At its meeting on Wednesday, which also discussed the maintenance of the border lock and increasing the salaries of doctors, the government will report the details to Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office. The number of confirmed infections continues to rise, with 16 dead and 848 infected in one day, according to the latest figures. There are currently 757 people receiving treatment at the hospital. It is a question of whether this already warrants any adjustment. Follow the government information live with us.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

They do not agree to an unconditional basic income because the country could be ruined if they were paid without work.

The RTL Club requests that multiple people have not received the job search allowance for months. Goulash says there is such a problem in some government offices, where they have been asked to speed up the administration.

Ambulances are also asked if the government does not feel they have been given too many tasks. Defense is controlled by the operational tribe because they see free capabilities. Stretched out and doing your job at the border, if there’s a proposal that reduces the burden, it’s justified.

The casinos are not subject to closure of 11 hours, but “the proposal is justified” and will be referred to the operating staff.

EP Vice President Katarina Barley said countries like Hungary should suffer from financial shortages due to problems related to the rule of law. According to Gulyás, this statement is also outrageous. Goulash says that when Poles hear this from a German, it can evoke bad memories in them.

If the operational tribe proposes to wear masks in public spaces, the government will consider it, but it was not introduced in Western Europe without reason, there was not a significant crowd in Budapest – Gulyás answered a question.

Mfor calls for the monthly records of the number of people treated at the hospital and the number of deaths to be broken when the spring restrictive measures have to be recovered. Can not say a specific number of cases, if we follow the current rules, the number of cases will not increase, the number of patients treated in the hospital may also stagnate. This is all hypothesis, but there was explosive growth in Europe and then stagnation.

Medical care can take care of everyone if necessary, non-emergency surgeries can be postponed, but this is not necessary now and probably will not be until mid-October.

The 50-point proposals of the MNB are supported by the government, there is something with which they fully agree, there may be differences of opinion, but if necessary, the government can return to the labor market solutions applied in the spring.

Family-friendly proposals are consistent with the header elements: cited as examples the increase in the family tax credit and the PIT exemption for 3 children, but does not know what they can achieve, the country’s carrying capacity must also be taken into account . I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the central bank’s suggestions show up on this.

There is no answer on whether there will be a reduction in gas prices by 2022.

The government expects a 5 percent drop this year.

Economically, it would mean nothing if Trump did not win, but he said earlier that it would not be good for the country. The Orban-Putin meeting is not yet dated, it is not known how the epidemic will affect the annual meeting.

It is not a reality that the PIT will be below 10 percent next year.

It is about whether the government has already discussed the public employment salary increase raised by Viktor Orbán. The government has not made up its mind on this yet, but it will do so this year, and wages will go up next year, the rate is still in doubt.

A storm in a glass of water in Liget, the Capital, proposed to amend the City Park building rules, but could only have done so after consulting with the public development council, so the government’s decision was made in response. But this does not change the previous statements of the government: until the capital changes position, the three buildings planned there will not be realized.

They push the capital so that the Biodome does not remain half finished.

Taking back the airport is the right goal – said Gergely Gulyás in response to a question, but if there is a decision, they will speak.

He hopes that it is not necessary to reintroduce the extraordinary legal order, which is not the case now.

Former Secretary of State and Head of the Government Office, Demeter Ervin, delivered a strange speech on August 20: He spoke of a dream in which the Romanian Securitate wanted to remove him from office to put their own man in his place. He mentioned “Shit, junk secrets”, then made a comment about whether it was a question of whether it was just a bad dream or a premonition of a future event.

Ervin Demeter was removed from office, and now Gergely Gulyás clarified that Demeter was already aware that he would be replaced on August 17, and declared his words (which were comments to his successor, the family of Zoltán Alaska) unacceptable. “Even if there is any doubt about the accuracy of the removal, this statement supports it.”

They are aware that the proposed salary increase of the medical chamber will cost between 300 and 500 billion. He does not mention the exact amount, but also adds that next year’s budget is very uncertain.

I don’t know when there can be an agreement.

It is also about asymptomatic covid being able to get vaccinated against the flu. Goulash says he does not know of a medical opinion that it would be harmful to receive the flu vaccine in a coronavirus. The question is also how the overwhelmed GP will inject the vaccine. St. King Alexandra said details are being clarified. The operative strain must prepare a vaccination plan.

Gulyás is in charge of the Budapest Public Development Council, which also paints a bike path where there are no cyclists, they are happy to talk about this, the deterioration of public safety and the resurgence of the homeless, and the Bridge tender. of the Chains.

Goulash says it’s possible to walk away from fall graduation without consequences.

Jourová’s statement was also discussed. According to Gulyás, a much more serious part of the statement was that, according to Jourová, “the citizens of Hungary are not in a position to form an opinion.”

Viktor Orbán has yet to receive a response from the chairman of the commission, but there will certainly be an opportunity to exchange views at the EU summit. Jourová’s tenure in office shows the double standard that residents of a smaller country can be insulted. If you say that to the French, they are no longer in office.

Responding to a question, he said that they would not go so far as to sue Jourova, but considered him persona non grata, not open to bilateral relations.

Contrary to what appeared in the international press, Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi did not say that they would not accept the report on the rule of law. The government has a detailed response to the report. The Sargentini report was answered in over 100 pages at that time and contains all the answers to the questions that have just been posed.

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