Complications from Covid infection can cause severe inflammation that damages various organs, warned the director general of South Pest Central Hospital.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Coronavirus infection can also cause long-term physical and mental illness, said István Vályi-Nagy, director general of the South Pest Central Hospital, which was appointed first to treat patients with severe coronavirus, in an interview with the Hungarian Nation. posted on Thursday.

“It is not a simple pneumonia”

According to the CEO, it is not true that it is a simple disease, like simple pneumonia. Ventilation, oxygen therapy is very important, but it does not affect the factors that cause complex organic damage and in which patients eventually die.

A complication of coronavirus infection can lead to severe inflammation that causes damage to multiple organs.

– Vályi-Nagy emphasized, adding that there are several innovative therapies available for its prevention and treatment.

689 infected were treated

István Vályi-Nagy said that since the beginning of the epidemic, 689 hospitalized patients infected with confirmed coronavirus have been treated at the South Pest Central Hospital, which is more than double those treated at the second consecutive care facility. The institution designated in the first place to treat patients with moderate and severe coronavirus is the most prepared hospital, both technologically and professionally, and in terms of the acquired routine, he added.


Almost everyone had to be ventilated

The CEO noted that one hundred and nine of the 689 patients were admitted to the intensive care unit and almost all had to be ventilated, 95 percent of them by machine. He reported that the treatment time in the intensive care unit was 35 to 40 days on average, the two extremes being 21 and 60 days. However, innovative therapies significantly shorten ventilation time, allowing many of your patients to be removed from the machine relatively quickly.

István Vályi-Nagy also spoke about the fact that we are not equally susceptible to this disease genetically: some people do not contract it even if they live in close contact with an infected person, while others have certain residual symptoms for a longer period of time. after recovery. He added that since the organs of the elderly are already more worn out than those of the youngest, they are the main victims of the epidemic. And if it is accompanied by a chronic disease, the chances of survival are further reduced.

(Cover image illustration).

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In one day, 16 people died from the coronavirus, with more than 20,000 active cases
At home

The number of active infections increased by 604, while many died on any day since mid-April.

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