Index – Foreign – Hillary Clinton was behind Trump’s expiration campaign


Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, approved a plan to launch an investigation and campaign against Donald Trump for collusion with the Russians. This is demonstrated by the documents of the National Intelligence Directorate, which brings together American spies, which were deciphered on Tuesday night.


The then-FBI director was also subpoenaed before the Washington Senate Judiciary Committee after the Justice Department said he illegally interrogated former Trump, who was later elected president, as a national security adviser and four other staff members. The report questioned the veracity of the facts on which the observation was based and the legality of ordering an investigation.

At the hearing, James Comey stated that if he had known about the irregularities, he would not have ordered the observations. He denied that Trump himself had been intercepted.

Scheduled for the hearing, Donald Trump posted Ted Cruz’s words to Republican Senator from Texas Comey:

Either you were knowingly corrupt or pathetically incompetent, and I don’t think he would have been incompetent.
