The new SZFE chancellor threatens not to pay his salary if he is not admitted to the university


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

This is the last day of the resigned leadership of the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts, and the students will bid farewell to the closed building on Vas Street at 9:30 p.m. They announced their departure at a dramatic press conference 30 days ago, after a board of directors headed by Attila Vidnyánszky will withdraw almost all of their important powers. Also tonight, they wake up to university autonomy in the University Square, where students arrive with a flame and pass the torches to representatives of other universities “as part of a performance.”

And starting tomorrow the instructors will go on strike, who during the last 7 days of negotiations did not attend the meeting with the board of trustees, not even their lawyer came, only the first two times, and despite their promise they did not send a reaction written, 444 said a member of the strike committee. Csata Csató is a teacher instructor.

Csata KatóPhoto: Éder Vera / SZFE

His statements are as follows:

  • They guarantee freedom of creation, education and university!
  • Restore the powers of the Senate before the model change!
  • The internal functioning of the university can be determined by the university community in a democratic and self-determined way, through the Senate!
  • The rector, the directors of institutes and the directors of departments of the university can be elected by the university community in a democratic way, through the representation of the Senate.
  • They guarantee that the financial resources of the university will not be reduced!

Csató has not yet been able to give exact figures, as the list is evolving, but more than half of the instructors have already indicated their involvement in the strike. He says they will also be inside the institution starting tomorrow, but instead of teaching, they will have a guard on the roof and windows, or they will be outside in the hallways. There will also be talks starting on Friday, including with outgoing educators and external opinion leaders due to the change of model, but there will also be theoretical presentations, they want to pass them on. Starting tomorrow, the university’s Facebook page can also be taken over by the board of directors, and a page called Independent Free University has been created with this in mind.

As Vidnyánszky replaced the chancellor yesterday, they should negotiate with him, Gábor Szarka, as the strike is part of the ongoing negotiations as a way of exerting pressure. Tomorrow, the new chancellor and the board of directors were also invited to an online meeting to, for example, clarify the details of personal and property protection.

Gábor Szarka will speak to the staff of the Ministerial Commissioner appointed to represent the Minister of Defense on the Board of Trustees of the National University of Public Function on January 28, 2013.Photo: Bruzák Noémi / MTI / MTVA

The new rector, Colonel Gábor Szarka, started his operation as a military man: yesterday he launched an attack through the university parking lot, but the students stopped him at the entrance. HÖK’s morning statement emphasizes that it will adhere to its demands announced on September 1: “The audience of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts considers that the board of directors and its decisions are illegitimate, so it does not recognize the newly appointed chancellor. . Only university citizens will continue to be admitted to the occupied building ”. As they write, they are still waiting to be contacted by the ministry, they are only willing to negotiate with their delegate: “Until the autonomy of the university is guaranteed by the legitimate practitioner of foundational rights, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, it will remain the lock “.

However, according to Kata Csató, the rector has now embarked on another military operation: he invited the university’s middle managers to a meeting and told them that

If you can’t come to the university, you won’t sign anything, there won’t be a salary either.

Csató did not speak of those who attended this meeting, but from other sources we know that they are not professors but other employees of the university. Magpie figured they had to persuade the students to quit their posts. Students also hold a forum in these minutes on how to respond to this threat.

Szarka will take over the financial management of SZFE tomorrow, until then he does not want to comment.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

