Index – National – Toroczkai: The so-called LGBTQP community showed its real and evil face


Dora Dúró, a politician from Nuestro País, crushed a storybook with LGBTQ themes at a press conference last week, including Index. The politician’s actions sparked outrage, and many celebrities spoke out against her. On the other hand, László Toroczkai, president of Nuestro País, believes that the reactions have “shown the real and evil face of the so-called LGBTQP community,” wrote after the party’s announcement.

They are also organizing a demo

on the protection of Hungarian mothers

in front of the headquarters of the Labrisz Lesbian Association, which published a storybook by Dora Dúró, on Saturday at 3 pm Communication is a real gem, we show you:

“After Dora Dúró, the vice president of Nuestro País, crushed the storybook, which is actually a sickly satanic propaganda book directed at young children, she immediately showed her real and evil face in the so-called LGBTQP community. The deviant lobby, which always presents itself in a sacrificial and oppressed role, is in fact a tremendously aggressive force, constantly attacking, pushing boundaries, and tremendously powerful that seeks to destroy a normal and healthy society. All political parties, except Nuestro País, fear this force, and in the West, even national radical parties have surrendered to LGBTQP power. There is no bigger lobbying force in the world today than this international satanic organization that is backed by the world’s top multiple companies from Coca-Cola to Facebook, one of whose founders and spokespersons, Chris Hughes, is also gay. “.

Toroczkai also writes that they will initiate the Penal Code. because it says it protects community members by applying positive discrimination.

“It is unacceptable that the law better protects an aberrant than a mother who is raising children,” he said.
